How to monitor network requests in the app in real-time?

Saleeh K
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2018
Youtube Video Link-

Debugging is not a new thing. While building client-side applications such as mobile app and desktop app there arises the need/situation to monitor all types of network requests and responses as a part of debugging.

For instance, if you are building an android app with OKhttp as the HTTP client. You can use its logger interceptor and view all the logs in your Logcat. Other than required network logs, other logs will also be there. This will be a chaos(of course you can use a filter, you know how it feels), as the required log will be hard to be discovered among all the logs.

We introduce, with which you can monitor all the network requests without putting any logs or proxies.

Let me show you the tool in action,

Imagine that you want to monitor all the network request for a sample app that uses GitHub API.

Here you have to create an interceptor for this sample app( GitHub API ).

*Here the forward URL will be

Follow the steps below to create an interceptor

  • As the initial step, create an account with
  • Now, create a new interceptor.

Next step is to name your interceptor

Enter the forward URL and this will be the URL that you want to intercept.

Give a sub domain for your interceptor — This could be any fancy name just like the interceptor’s name.

Now you just need to replace the original endpoint with interceptor’s URL inside the app.

  • Sit back and you can monitor all the network requests and responses from Intercept.Rest Dashboard.
  • Yes, its done. monitor all the required network queries and all it cost is to replace the endpoint URL.
monitor your request in the dashboard

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