Connecting developers and customers with the new Intercom Developer Program

Recognizing and supporting quality integrations with Intercom

Jasmine Jaume
4 min readNov 15, 2016

At Intercom we’re committed to building an open platform and have been working hard to open up our APIs, provide more documentation and tools, and improve our developer experience.

We do this because we know that by working with you —other people building excellent products — we can help customers make business personal even better and quicker than we can on our own.

We’re thrilled to see so many of you building integrations with Intercom and we want to do more to help support and champion your creations.

Introducing the Intercom Developer Program

Today we’re launching our new Developer Program, which recognizes and promotes quality integrations. The Program will help our customers discover and use integrations built by the community, as well as helping us better support you, the developers building them.

As a member of the program, we’ll help you get your integration in front of our thousands of customers by listing it on our website for discovery by our customers looking for complementary solutions.

You’ll also receive updates on the Intercom platform in your inbox and get priority access to our developer support team to help you build and grow your app or integration. Plus, you’ll be part of our growing developer community, with access to upcoming programs such as developer events.

We’re accepting applications from quality integrations that help our customers achieve their goals — be it faster customer support, simpler workflows, easier decision making or anything else you imagine!

Here’s all the details on the program, including who’s eligible and how to apply. We can’t wait to see what you build 😍

Meet the members

We’re thrilled to announce our first members of the Program. These integrations are already being used by many happy Intercom customers to improve their customer support, gather feedback and better understand their customers.

Check out what they’ve built for some inspiration:

  • Aircall — Record and access your customer phone calls in Intercom
  • AskNicely — Automatically trigger NPS surveys based on user actions
  • ChargeDesk — Manage Stripe, PayPal, Braintree and Recurly customer payments inside Intercom
  • FullStory — Get pixel-perfect playback of a user’s session on your website so you can provide better support
  • productboard — Distill insights from Intercom to decide what to build next
  • SatisMeter — Gather NPS feedback and seamlessly follow up with your customers
  • Statbot — One-click, zero-setup analytics and insights for Intercom
  • Wootric — Survey your customers and target them in Intercom based on their NPS score

You can find more integrations at

Looking to the future

The Developer Program is just the start. We’re going to continue adding more benefits, as well as continuing our work to improve our developer tools and even more ways to support our growing developer community.

We’ll be posting updates here on the blog alongside more practical content to help and inspire you, such as stories and tips from both our own team and developers in the community.

You can also now follow us on Twitter @intercomdevs for updates and news on the Intercom platform — follow us and say hi 👋

We’d also love to hear from you about what would help you — let us know in the comments below if there are specific resources, content or anything else you’d find useful, or if you have a great idea to contribute to the blog.

Lastly, from all of us on the developer platform team here at Intercom, a big thank you for being part of our community. We’re looking forward to working with you more 😀

If you’re interested in learning more about the Intercom API or building an integration with Intercom, take a look at our Developer Hub to get started.

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Jasmine Jaume

Product Marketing for Developer Platform at @intercom. Love food, tea, writing, tech and sloths.