Intercom Developers
1 min readSep 7, 2016


May 2016 — this post originally featured on our previous blog at developers.intercom.io

Great news for our .NET developer community! We now have a brand new SDK for you, written in C#. We currently have a pre-release version of the SDK available on GitHub and we’d love to hear if you have any suggestions as we continue to improve it. Even better, if you have some code you would like to contribute you can submit a pull request directly on the repository.

We have included some getting started docs with code samples to get you started with your integration. And we’ll soon have a basic sample application you can download and run to see the SDK in action. Right now we have support for the following API resources:

And Webhooks is coming soon. We have a roadmap of functionality to come including:

  • Functions Comments (for IntelliSense support)
  • Support Pagination
  • Support Bulk Apis
  • Support Webhooks
  • Support Async
  • More Integration tests
  • Remove RestSharp dependency

For more details on the SDK check out the GitHub repository. We look forward to seeing the great things you build with the new SDK :)

Interested in building on the Intercom platform? Check out our Developer Hub to get started.

