About Interconnections in Health

A new publication exploring the intersection of all things and health

Sara Gómez Trillos
Interconnections in Health


Last year I started writing about health more informally than Academic articles. After spending the past 10 years studying and working in the field, I am convinced that everything has something to do with health and that we can somehow link everything back to each other.

Libretita hermosa x @ontheroczz| Photo by the author

As humans, we all share three things: we are all born, we all die, and at one point or another, we will have to deal with our health. Yet, we rarely talk about health. More often than not, all the cool science and medical knowledge stays in scientific journals, full of jargon that most common people cannot understand.

My biggest frustration comes from the dissonance between people wanting to know and be informed vs. scientists and medical professionals trying to explain things in (often, but not always) inaccessible ways. Sadly, most people will also avoid talking and/or learning about health entirely out of shame or fear until they have to. Add to the mix an overwhelming amount of science/medical information that is alarmist, misrepresented, or completely inaccurate and we get a disaster.

I started Interconnections in Health to build a home for educational patient-facing pieces (aka for people who don’t have a degree in health, regardless of whether they have a diagnosis or not) that are written by experts and are both fun to read and educational. But, as a qualitative researcher working with underserved populations, I immensely value the patients’ point of view. So, Interconnections in Health will also have a space for writers to talk about their lived experiences with health. Overall, our goal is to make readers curious, provide health education, or invite reflection on a specific health topic.

Our goal is to make readers curious, provide health education, or invite reflection on a specific health topic.

Pretty tree that looks like dendrites in a neuron | Photo by the author

Who is curating these stories?

About Sara, Editor of Interconnections in Health

Originally from Medellín, Colombia, I’m a scientist and a writer at the intersection of population health, behavioral health, and non-communicable disease prevention and control.

I like to think of myself as a professional nerd. I’ve studied a lot — from philosophy to physics — but my official degrees are in Cognitive Science, Psychology, and Global Health. As a scientist, I have expertise in mixed-methods research and use it to inform evidence-based health innovations, products, and services. As a writer, I aim to foster health communication in the most disruptive way I know how to: through unexpected collaborations, literature, and art.

Interconnections in Health is a personal project close to my heart, as I deeply believe that the written word and art can help us bridge a gap in health communication.

I started this publication to encourage us all to have more open and inclusive conversations about health, to share intimate and vulnerable stories, and to make health education more accessible and fun.

I believe diversity improves everything, so I’d like more people to join the conversation! If you are interested in writing for this publication, please read the submission guidelines & formatting tips carefully.



Sara Gómez Trillos
Interconnections in Health

Professional nerd working for health equity | Colecciono palabras que me encuentro por ahí. ✨