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41 Definitions Of Home.

Tim Rettig
Intercultural Mindset
3 min readDec 9, 2017


A world traveler’s view of what home is. Or what it could be.

  1. Home is the memories I keep in a box.
  2. Home is the place where I am right now.
  3. Home is the place I long for, but can not go.
  4. Home is the place where my family is.
  5. Home is any place to which I feel a sense of belonging.
  6. Home isn’t a place at all. It’s a feeling of warmth, belonging and relaxation.
  7. Home is where I return to when I need to regain energy.
  8. Home doesn’t exist. It only is a temporary state of being.
  9. Home is stagnation.
  10. Home is where I was born.
  11. Home is something we should have, but don’t.
  12. Home means being in your comfort zone.
  13. Home is a house, a city, a country, or the whole world. Depending on when you ask me.
  14. Home is wherever I feel good.
  15. Home is the place where I go for reflection when I need it the most.
  16. Home means relaxation, play, happiness and just letting go.
  17. Home is one specific place and yet a lot of different places at the same time.
  18. Home is where I go for vacation.
  19. Home is love.
  20. Home is something you share with somebody.
  21. Home is a place only you yourself can fully comprehend.
  22. Home is a collection of your memories, feelings, and attachments.
  23. Home is something I can never feel completely. It is not only a temporary, but also an unreal state of being.
  24. Home is the memories of all those little things I did together with my mum and dad.
  25. Home is the place that you are the most deeply entrenched into.
  26. Home is the place that you cry for the most.
  27. “Home is where our story begins…” (Anonymous)
  28. Home is physical, emotional and imaginary at the same time.
  29. Home is where everything is stuck in time.
  30. Home is always your past, sometimes your present, and never your future.
  31. For men: home is where your wife comes from (Iranian perspective).
  32. Home is where I can just fall on my bed and forget about time for a while.
  33. Home calls for me. And then pushes me away.
  34. Home is nothing but a mental state.
  35. Home is where I can live every aspect of who I really am.
  36. “Home is a shelter from storms- all sorts of storms.”- William J. Bennett
  37. Home is a place that only exists in your heart and mind.
  38. Home is imposed on you, chosen by you, and determined by your life circumstances at the same time.
  39. Home is where your life begins. And where it ends.
  40. Home is where I can live my life just the way I imagine it to be.
  41. Home is my safe haven that I can always return to.

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Tim Rettig
Intercultural Mindset

Author of Struggling Forward: Embrace the Struggle. Achieve Your Dreams / Subscribe: / Email: