Sharing a Thought

Interdimensional Television
3 min readApr 22, 2019

Uploading photos to the cloud to store memories is reasonably easy with modern smartphones. There are some procedural difficulties of course, like how one should manage dick-picks (sent or received) and other naughty imagery. Without a solid hidden folder, one risks giving grandma a heart-attack at the Christmas dinner while she clunkily swipes through a supposed holiday album. Even worse, she might laugh. But apart from pornographic landmines, uploading photo galleries online serves its purpose to save memories, as long as you took a picture or video of them.

But as long as we can only store artefacts that we actively created, we will always miss a large part of the picture: Our thoughts and emotions. After all, the only purpose of photos and videos is to make us relieve thoughts and feelings because we can’t store them directly. Until now.

After you attach the Mnemo pod to your skull behind your ear, it will record all your thoughts and emotions. Those mental movements are your self. Since privacy is paramount, your self is securely encrypted. The password to your mental movements is literally the only thing you need to remember, ever. Once a mental movement is recorded, Mnemo automatically classifies and indexes it to make your self searchable. If you want to rethink a though or re-feel an emotion, search for it by keywords, time, place, people involved or merely by creating a similar mental movement. Mnemo will then let you relive a chosen thought or emotion. To not clutter your self, the Mnemo pod does not record mental movements that you relive.

The real power of Mnemo becomes apparent when you connect your self with others. You can share mental movements with friends, family and anyone else you might want to. For example, relive the last Christmas dinner where grandma was still alive with your siblings. The ability to share parts of your self is most potent for mental movements that you can’t put into words. Show your partner how you felt the first time you laid eyes on them. Let your psychologist help you with understanding your self. Share that kinky thought you’re a bit ashamed of.

Mnemo can also produce a mental fingerprint of your self. Using this, it can find people that are similar to you or the direct opposite. Dating is so much smoother if you don’t need a couple of years to find out that you and your partner are incompatible on a deep mental level. Teams are more efficient if its members have the right mix of mental homo- and heterogeneity.

Negotiations will be more straightforward with Mnemo. All political discussions of certain importance should broadcast the live mental movements of every participant. There is a direct path to a solution or the realisation that there is none when all the agendas are understood.

Mnemo has the power to revolutionise human society. And you will finally be able to know what you were thinking when you went home with that person the other night.

