I Write About Sex — To Write About Life

Interested in Sex
Published in
10 min readDec 22, 2023


I write for presence, peace, balance, and to find the beauty in my life. For mental health and clarity, perspective and some semblence of productivity.

How did I write this whole article without mentioning my love for yoga, too?

I’ve loved writing for as long as I can remember. Long before I understood sex and long before I met Jack. It was my outlet as a child, my way to make sense of the world and find peace and order in all this chaos that is life.

It was a nerdy hobby in high school. Navigating the teenage social scene was awkward for me, but dialing into AOL to craft a website and related stories from the point of view of a fictional version of me felt effortless. I told stories, some based on truth. I was featured in a German rail magazine. I made online friends, exchanging daily emails. But no one I knew in real life ever read those stories, and those Geocities websites are long gone.

Being a natural-born writer made academics easy for me. I was “that girl,” the one who got a 4.0 on the first draft of every essay, even in the courses where the professors would try to scare us by proudly proclaiming that they never gave perfect scores. I earned praise and scholarships, and I didn’t even have to apply for a job at the college writing center — they extended the offer within weeks of my freshman orientation.



Interested in Sex

Neurodivergent librarian & mom of 4. Bisexual, in love with a man. Hyperfocused on sex, relationships, & existentialism. Overthinking everything since 1982.