Facts about Tiger

Plant Care
Interesting Facts
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2020

Tigers are the biggest kinds of cat on earth. They can be easily recognized by reddish-orange coat with distinctive black or brown stripes. Here are some so interesting tiger facts for kids.

Tigers hunt by themselves. In other words, they hunt alone. Their prey is usually deer and antelope.

Like other kinds of cats, tigers have an excellent vision. Its vision is 6 times better than humans.

The species is known to eat up to 27 kilograms of meat per night and 5 kilograms per meal.

Fun tiger fact for kids: it is weird for a member of cat family like tigers that they like swimming and swim well.

Sad tiger facts for kids: the tiger is endangered. They are overhunted for fur and some body parts.

The oldest tiger can be over 20 years old.

So, true tiger facts for kids, humans are the only predator of the tiger. That means tigers are killed only by humans.

A tiger is heavier than a piano. It can reach up to 720 lbs, whereas a piano weights only 500 lbs.

Compared to a car, a tiger run slower at the speed of 40 mph.

Do you want more funny comparison kids? Tiger is much shorter than a school bus, with a length of 6 feet and 37 feet, respectively.

Tigers that live in wet climate are much lighter and smaller than those in cold areas.

There are over 100 stripes on the tiger’s body, helping it to hide in bushes while hunting.

Strange tiger facts for kids: you may know that the fingerprint in humans is not the same in different people. Instead of ‘fingerprint’, the pattern of stripes on the tiger’s body is unique in a single tiger.

Interesting tiger facts for kids: the stripes are not only showed on the tiger’s fur, but they are on the skin also. If you shave the fur, you will see the same pattern of stripes.

The she-tiger is much lighter than the he-tiger.

To jump well, the forelimbs of the tiger are shorter than the hind limbs. Tiger can jump up to 5m high and 6m long.

Sad tiger facts for kids: there are much fewer tigers living in wild habitat than those kept in zoos.

Only the tiger mother raises the kid tigers.

Interesting tiger facts for kids: they never roar to other animals. Roaring is the way tigers use to communicate with their counterparts. Even they tend not to roar at their prey, they only make hissing sounds.

Siberian Tiger is the biggest subspecies. And the smallest one is the Sumatran Tiger.

