Inviting Writers to Contribute to Interesting Stories Only

Join Us

Pritam Laskar
Interesting Reads Only


Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

Submit an article to us only if you have an interesting real-life story to share with us that will entertain readers. And don’t come up with your own personal life stories, we need stories that happened in the real world, and add a hyperlink somewhere in your article to prove that your story is true and not made up.

Are you a writer passionate about uncovering and sharing stories that captivate and educate? If you’re interested in bringing hidden histories and scientific wonders to light, we’d love to have you contribute to our Medium publication, “Interesting Stories Only.”

Here’s how to join us: Simply leave a comment on this post saying “add me as a writer,” and we’ll add you as a writer in our publication.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Adherence to Medium’s Rules: Your submissions must comply with Medium’s Terms of Service and community guidelines. Familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure your content meets the necessary standards.
  • Formatting Your Submission: Each submission should have a clearly defined Title and Subtitle. Use Medium’s formatting tools to style these appropriately.
  • Imagery: Place your main image directly below the title and subtitle. Include…

