2 Years Post-Mormon

Two years ago, I quit the Mormon Church and barrelled into a new, sexuality-affirming life. This is what I’ve learned since about healing, retrospection, reclamation and connection.

Michael McLeod
Interfaith Now


Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash

In December 2019, I knew I had to leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I had publicly come out as gay a few months earlier in an essay that declared I would disengage from my faith tradition and I had come to a sort of arm’s-length relationship as a way to decelerate from full activity without collapsing into chaos. However, by that December, even that arrangement no longer justified the wounds that reopened every Sunday. I had to get out, finally and irrevocably.

I haven’t widely told the story I’m about to recount of how that exit happened, nor have I written much in the ensuing two years. I needed time to begin to process it and I needed space to work out who I was without ‘Mormon’ being the foreground and background element of my whole identity. Much has changed.



Michael McLeod
Interfaith Now

High school English teacher and writer from Johannesburg, South Africa