5 Quotes from C.S. Lewis to make you a better person

The author of the Chronicles of Narnia and Space Trilogy has a lot to say about virtue and the good life.

Stephen Arnold
Interfaith Now


Photo by Keyur Nandaniya on Unsplash

Clive Staples Lewis, better known as Jack, was born in Ireland and studied in England, but kept his love of Ireland for all his days. He grew up an atheist and remained a staunch atheist until a series of conversations he had with the twentieth centuries finest, J.R.R. Tolkien.

After several conversations revolving around their equal love of the Norse myths, Tolkien, using his supreme intellect, convinced Lewis to theism. It wasn’t until three years later that Lewis accepted Christ, as “the most reluctant convert,” and went on to surprise the world with intelligence, wit, and ultimate readability.

He was also quite fond of letter writing. There are quite a few collections of his letters, and a good deal of theology in one especially, Letters to Malcolm. Through these books, letters, essays, and lectures, we discovered we were blessed with a man who is as quotable and everlasting as Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail. I know people who can quote both.

If you are not a practicing Christian, or a Christian who isn’t practicing, his words still ring true.

