A Sunset to Remember

A story with many photos

Lisa Spray
Interfaith Now


Personal photo

In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful

This evening I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. Its colors ranged from a warm gold as it began and it ended with some of the deepest red I have seen in the sky.

Personal photo
Personal photo

And then as it faded it still had some of the coppery gold mixed with bluish gray — not as showy but still awesome and beautiful.

Personal photo

I don’t know how it could possibly be that human beings question the existence of God when they see such awesome sights! And there are so many more signs of the Divine. Think of the wonderful foods we eat and the technology that allows us to share our stories with each other. Remember those beautiful birds you saw flying? Who holds them up in the sky? Who feeds and waters them?

Near the end of my time in high school, I walked along the dry riverbed I was raised near. Studying the night sky with its amazing stars and constellations made me start to question how we can just disappear once we leave this existence. If, as Einstein proposed, matter and energy simply convert one to the other, how can that which is a combination of both just stop being?

How can we be so arrogant and so egotistical to think that we are alone in this universe?

How can we, who are infinitesimal nothings, believe that we make the top of the food chain — the most important beings created?

All around us we see such amazing beauty, so many wonderful things, and God makes us so incredibly blessed.

It just proves that we as human beings are foolish and arrogant.

But we do not have to stay that way. A wise friend shared with me that we have the capability to become as righteous, reverent and devoted as all of the prophets and messengers of God. But do we have the will to do so? Each of us must make that decision for ourself. For me, this realization changed me and my life.

I pray that all of us will, with God’s help!

Thank you for reading this story. May you and your loved ones be blessed.

For more information please check Masjid Tucson’s website. Our Mediumpublication The Heart of Quran has many other stories that we hope you will enjoy and find value in.



Lisa Spray
Interfaith Now

I 💕nature, photography, writing & travel. I find deep sharing heals. All with sincere faith are my spiritual family. Editor: The ❤️of Quran. Join us there 🤝.