An Unknown Gift From The Universal Energy

Drashti Bhatt
Interfaith Now
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2022

Prayer helps us….

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The feeling of Good Vibes

Do you ever feel good without reason? Have you ever felt Blissful? There is a continuous flow of Bliss from Universal energy to us.

One can feel it in the form of a good talk or somebody’s good deeds, or in the form of peace or through some unknown help. Such bliss from the universal energy moves around the world in the form of someone’s blessings, prayers, or positive vibes. Some people feel it while some can’t.

To experience such Bliss, we need to open up our receivers. The flow of such Bliss is a cycle around the world so we can make our receiver strong through prayers. When we do something positive for someone, it comes back to us in some other form through someone else. It is a flow of bliss and positive energy in the universe.

Prayer is an action

Prayers work through Universal energy. Prayer is an action. Prayer can be a silent one or a vocal act like a hymn or a devotional song.

As prayer is an action, it must produce a result. Every action you perform produces a result, but according to the doctrine of karma, each action produces two results. One is an immediate result, while the other is a delayed or deferred result.

Prayer does not work miraculously

Prayers are answered, but not in a way we are expecting it. Prayers might help us to ease the situations in tough times. A big misconception about prayers is that GOD fulfils prayed matter supernaturally or miraculously. One should not think that prayers will be answered as a miracle.

Prayer is fulfilled as per the law of the Doctrine of Karma. For example, If a beggar is prying for food, then food will not fall from the sky. But if it needs to be fulfilled according to the doctrine of Karma, then it can be fulfilled in ways that the world can understand.

Prayer and Medical Science

It is scientifically proved now that prayer & meditation can improve a person’s emotional health. Dr Rosmarin says that the research that has been done on prayer shows it may have similar benefits to meditation: It can calm your nervous system. It can make you less reactive to negative emotions and less angry.

The person praying with faith will be relaxed and confident because he is sure that somehow, universal energy will help him. Prayer and meditation are the best way to connect with universal energy. Through that universal energy, many emotional and physiological problems can unknowingly be cured.


Prayer is not a tool to use in an emergency only — that is using such a powerful tool in a selfish manner. Daily prayer should also cover the betterment of nature and the entire human race. The effect of praying for the world will come back to you in inexplicable ways. For example, daily prayer will make you more resilient. A daily prayer for yourself and for others will make you more graceful for day-to-day challenges. The true and faithful prayer of those who pray for you can help you in the future also.



Drashti Bhatt
Interfaith Now

By learning on the topics of mental & physical wellbeing, spirituality, parenting, & pregnancy I revolutionised my life and would like to share that knowledge.