Christendom’s Betrayal of Jesus’s Counterculture

Exploring the Roman Empire’s grotesque co-optation of Jesus

Benjamin Cain
Interfaith Now
Published in
10 min readDec 20, 2021


Image by █ Slices of Light ✴ █▀ ▀ ▀, from Flickr

The CIA co-opted progressive rhetoric in an infamous advertisement about the agency’s inclusion of “woke” officers.

Former-president Donald Trump hugged and kissed the American flag at the end of his CPAC speech in 2020. Later that year, Trump demonstrated his contempt for American law and traditions when he staged a crude coup attempt and tried to steal the election which Joe Biden won.

During a protest over the George Floyd killing in 2020, President Trump directed the military to disperse the protesters with tear gas and riot control tactics, so he could walk from the White House to a church and stage a photo-op of him holding a bible.

The Nazis continued to call themselves “socialists” long after they demonstrated that they were much more interested in protecting a racial hierarchy than in promoting workers’ rights and overthrowing private property.

The list of such outrageous acts of Orwellian pandering could be greatly extended. But is there a paradigmatic case, a historic travesty so monumental and calamitous that it set the stage for a whole genre of shocking assimilations?

Christendom as the Paradigm of Cynical…

