How a Hijabi Gets a Haircut

AKA When your husband’s ex-wife is your last resort to look good.

HF Sylaj
Interfaith Now


Photo by Guilherme Petri on Unsplash

Allison J. van Tilborgh wrote a wonderful article a few months ago asking thought-provoking questions about how a Muslim woman who wears hijab handles getting her hair cut. Since I am such a Muslim woman, I thought I would give my personal experience in this area.

Skimping on Self-Care by Doing it by Myself

Until this last July I had not had a haircut I did not do myself for seven years. I have done all my own personal hair care out of necessity. I could not find a hair dresser that was willing to give me the privacy I need to insure no man could see my hair. Thankfully when I messed it up doing it myself, I didn't have to look like a fool since I get to cover it up!

I finally decided to give in and get it cut by a professional since we were going to Kosovo where I would meet my in-laws for the first time. I knew there would be times around my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law when I would have my hair uncovered, so I wanted it to look good for them, as well as for my husband.

Hijab Does Not Mean We Don’t Want to be Beautiful



HF Sylaj
Interfaith Now

American immigrant in Kosovo 🇽🇰 Creator, Traveler, and Chicken Mum. ❤ I am a writer, not an expert.