
Simon Heathcote
Interfaith Now
Published in
Feb 16, 2022
Photo by Rayyu Maldives on Unsplash

We are making our way amid
the troubles of the world
like two pilots peering through
cloud & holding course —

we don’t know where we are
going anymore as the horizon
is a mirage & the mirage
keeps moving forward

& the rock of certainty to
which others cling is not ours —
while some days I wish the
warmth of anaesthetic

the closed eyes of ignorance
& the artifice of pretence —
but a sober hour soon dawns
& I recall I live by faith & that’s it.

Copyright Simon Heathcote



Simon Heathcote
Interfaith Now

Psychotherapist writing on the human journey for some; irreverently for others; and poetry for myself; former newspaper editor.