Neither Life Nor God Wears Underwear

…and this is why we must

Rachel Nelson
Interfaith Now


Photo by Patrick Kool on Unsplash

I don’t really know who the mysterious maker of all existence is. Like we can say the word God or source, to discuss the concept of something above that is bigger; and the idea of “bigger” usually extends into the idea of some type of explanation for everything that has ever happened in human life. We assume reasonable explanations exist for everything that is and will be when we toss out the word God — or any other rendition of what is beyond our knowns. Really, when we speak of God, source, spirit, we are being a bit vulnerable in disclosing we have no idea what is going on in life or outside of it. We are vulnerable in disclosing there is no discernable pattern to anything no matter how much we try to find it, or make an understanding of anything, even our very self. This is the oddest thing ever: we humans are the very thing that we do not understand. Can we just sink into the ridiculous absurdity of this, sink deep into it. You are the very thing, that you yourself do not understand. You exist as what you can’t put your finger on. Without borrowing some script from religion or myth, without entering into a defensive panic about the wildness of existence, can we admit our own vulnerability; life is wild and it freaks us out — life doesn’t wear underwear.



Rachel Nelson
Interfaith Now

Philosophy of Religion PhD student. Dances to the beat of existentialism & psychotherapy to define under-defined religious thought. BJJ brown belt & AF Veteran.