
The Revenge of the Dragged

Beverly Garside
Interfaith Now
3 min readFeb 24, 2020


Image from Pixabay

We are the great unwilling
Who fought so long against the killing
Of morning’s promise and joy
For every girl and every boy
And lost.

We squirmed and fidgeted in your pews,
Enduring the preaching of good news:
The pastor hollering and prancing,
The ladies jumping up and dancing.

— Now Miriam was hiding in the bulrushes.
But you and me, we get lost, lost in those BULLLLLRUUUUSHES!

— Amen! Preach it, Preach it Pastor!

Oh one day, someday, let me flee
Freedom save a kid like me!

In Sunday classes we were taught
Who was slain and who begot.
We must our desires quell
Or lose our souls to fiery hell,
For the Prince of Lies, he knows us well.

Satan stalks me this I know, for the teacher tells me so.

We were kneeling, we were crossing,
We were brushing, we were flossing.
And every Mass we did attend
But ours was not to comprehend.

Strange man with your robes so white, won’t you haunt my dreams tonight?

— And when he was departed thence,
he lighted on Jehonabab the son of Rechab…

Our Lady of Will-It-Never-End —
Help us.

— Peace be with you.
— And also with you.

No, no peace on Earth, no mercy mild.
On the seventh day torment the child.
In shoes that pinch and ties that choke
Our dignity a standing joke.
Yea the first sin I did confess:
I am ridiculous in this dress.

For Sunday hates the little children of the world!

Image from Pixabay

— In this house we go to church!
— Just wait until
you have kids. You’ll be back!

But now that we are up to choose
Simon says — step back, you lose!
We aren’t coming through your doors,
Our kids aren’t staring at your floors.
So even if we do love Jesus,
Maybe now you will believe us.

We will not go into your churches.
We will not join them here or there.
We will not join them anywhere.
We will not sing about a lamb.
We do not like it, oh no Ma’am.

In this house we have a Fun Day,
A little break before it’s Monday.
No dressing up, no consternation,
No scary monsters of damnation.
No Catechism, no Confirmation.

We invoke a cancellation.

So here is the church and
Here is the steeple.
Open the doors and
Where are all the people?

Image from Pixabay



Beverly Garside
Interfaith Now

Beverly is an author, artist, and a practicing agnostic.