Reaching Out for Help

Sooner or later, each of us asks, “How do I ask God to help me?”

Philip Siddons
Interfaith Now


Mark 5:21–43

The Healing of Jairus’ Daughter ca. 1520–25, Unknown author, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

By the time the weekend rolls around, we need a break from always “being on.” You know, our constant productivity and focus on what we are trying to finish. Our incessant mindfulness of what’s next on our to do lists. By late Friday, the energy drains of our work, or perhaps looking for work if we are in an employment transition, leaves us feeling like we are washed up on the beach. We are wishing we were at the beach but the couch in front of the television and some outsourced fast food is what seems needed for the little remaining psychic turf that is at the edge of the weekend.

Which is why I like to throw in a Netflix movie on Friday night, put my feet up and be entertained. Let someone else in the entertainment industry tell someone’s story of adventure, romance or a dramatic social change toward justice. Give me some story of ordinary people acquiring supernatural power to overcome impossible odds and achieve a stunning victory. Perhaps triumph over evil or crawling out of abject poverty to spectacular wealth. Maybe emergence from acute loneliness and oppression to overwhelming romance and finally, justice and fairness for everyone. Bring on Friday night.



Philip Siddons
Interfaith Now

Working to create egalitarian communities which seek gender, racial & economic justice. | |