Revelation Decoded: The Secrets Behind the Bible’s Most Misunderstood Book

Joe Forrest
Interfaith Now
Published in
20 min readFeb 15, 2021


In an instant, millions of people around the world vanish into thin air.

Planes plummet out of the sky. Vehicles, suddenly unmanned, careen out of control. The catastrophic event hurls the world into a state of chaos, anarchy, and panic.

Is this the opening salvo of an alien invasion? A secret military experiment gone awry? An act of terrorism unlike anything seen before?

No. This is the Rapture, the moment when God “rescues” all the faithful Christians from the planet before all literal Hell breaks loose on Earth.

In 1995, Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins released the first installment of the Left Behind series, a mulit-part saga that chronicles the “Earth’s last days” from the perspective of a group of characters “left behind” after the Rapture.

Throughout the twelve-part series, these characters become Christians and struggle to survive the seven-year “Tribulation,” a period of time in which God’s judgement is unleashed upon the Earth prior to Jesus’s Second Coming and thousand-year reign.

Oh, and in the midst of all this, the Antichrist — a charismatic political figure who is also the Devil incarnate — is deceiving the nations by uniting everyone under the banner of a one-world government.



Joe Forrest
Interfaith Now

Joe Forrest writes on the intersection of faith, culture, secularism, and politics.