Saturn, Satan and the Way Through

Simon Heathcote
Interfaith Now
Published in
5 min readMar 4, 2022
Photo by TBS 44 on Unsplash

When I was a schoolboy, ‘schism’ was solely wedded — perhaps ironically — to Henry V111’s need for a quickie divorce to satisfy his lust for Ann Boleyn. It became synonymous with the cleaving of church and state.

It’s a word you don’t often hear in a modern context, but I vote ‘schism’ as part of the new lexicon of the Covid era.

We live at a time of another fundamental cleft, the world tilting on its axis and in perilous danger; and although the public is being persuaded it is between those who took the Cool-aid and those who didn’t — a narrative rapidly slipping down the side of the sofa — it is really between those in possession of their own matured mind and those still under the sway of a mind-set.

The latter is tied to the fear-based obsession with structure and form and, notably, the energies of Saturn. Notice the proximity to the word Satan, which is apposite.

In its upper reaches, these are the people who want to live forever in a body.

Saturn, like Satan, tells us we are limited to the body-mind and the physical realm and can go no further. This is his domain after all and to me the key lesson of Christ’s wilderness story.

Simply put, Satan offered Jesus the world because he could — but he couldn’t offer more. Yes! We live in a Satanic realm entirely without knowing it. As yet, few understand the gravity of the situation now coming to its end-game.

This modern schism has been deliberately engineered through fear to set once loving individuals at odds with one another.

For the elite that live in the shadows and glad hand at Davos every year, know all the Devil’s tricks and work hard to dumb down, brainwash and ultimately, to divide and conquer a myopic humanity.

The biggest trick of course is to persuade people that evil doesn’t exist when at this level at least, in our world of concepts, it is absolutely real.

Notice how structures, the big corporations and all large institutions soon adopted the programme of social distancing, masks, tests and jabs, not to save lives but because they feared shutdown.

(I have given thanks numerous times that I am not a wealthy man.)

For whether consciously or not, they are part of this very physical realm, the goal of which is more, risking complete subjugation to the lord of this world and happy with gluttony.

How many millions have bowed to the wrong god?

Many have been shocked by the easy complicity of churches but they shouldn’t be. Most churches, particularly those belonging to that institution Henry was so keen to turn his back on, as well as others, are part of the Saturn impulse to form, not the spiritual understanding of consciousness which of course has little need of buildings and priests.

By and large, their congregations have followed instruction, yet not from the Lord they claim as saviour, who spoke of living not for this life but the next, and countless times admonished his disciples not to fear.

Churches are cowed and complicit, paying only lip service to their god-man, showing their true nature.

We are as a species run by ego, living in the basement of conscious awareness.

Yet there is another possibility and a different destiny for mankind, perhaps still on offer at this 11th hour.

It is what Christ and others before and since have been trying to get across and it is what those in power are desperately trying to prevent; and that is the discovery of God within.

Some of us call it Self-realization, the understanding that you are consciousness, that for the world to appear you (as consciousness not the separate ego) have to be here first.

It is the complete inversion of the mind’s understanding, the I Am That I Am of The Bible.

And it represents a totally radical volte face, utterly changing our perceptions of what we are.

The old view upon which the Saturnian system depends is that you believe you are a fragile little being subject to the vicissitudes of a crazy world where everything and everyone is separate and fighting to survive.

But the mystical understanding, the one Christ tried but failed to impart to those who only saw him as a body-mind through the lens of their own body-mind, is the universe is within.

That’s a game-changer, actually the game-changer for life on this planet. It is not some New Age idea, the New Age being part of the grand deception now taking place.

It is not — as so many misguided souls think — a spirituality that can simply be adopted like an app in the mind’s hardware.

In short, you are not a human being, although a human being is one step closer to reality than the human doing that so many of us have become.

The real gift of our time is to see and really understand the Self is one, not the innumerable forms, names and concepts of the appearance.

This is an appearance and we will no doubt know it when we are dead; the opportunity and, dare I say duty, is to realize the Self while in a body.

How do we begin to do that? We stop looking outwards to the world, stop grasping for objects — even those in our mind — and turn back towards the unblemished heart, which some may wish to call soul.

We cultivate inner light, in desperate need of fanning like any dying flame, and begin to eschew the neon light of this plane, remembering that old saw, all that glitters is not gold.

Let’s remember, moth and rust consume the finite, and we would be far better off turning our attentions to the infinite, our true home.

This is serious — everything falls if we don’t know our real identity.

Forgiving or at least accepting our apparent enemies is important, for if we don’t we continue the lie of separation. That does not mean we hang around psychopaths in the name of forgiveness, for discernment is called.

We need to be, as the man said, like serpents and doves as we are up against the enemy of the ages.

Many years ago, a pioneering Rudolph Steiner predicted a time would come when medicines and doctors would be used to remove the soul of man.

Whether you believe it or not, that time is now. May we all wake up while a chance remains.

Above all, it is good to pause and know that God or consciousness is the ultimate arbiter of our fate.

Copyright Simon Heathcote



Simon Heathcote
Interfaith Now

Psychotherapist writing on the human journey for some; irreverently for others; and poetry for myself; former newspaper editor.