Seven Levels of Spirituality

The Cycles that Guide our Spiritual Journey

Misty Moon
Interfaith Now


Image created by Jester and the author

I wrote this about five years ago, when I went into a ‘super spiritual’ phase, then promptly forgot about it. I found it last year and re-read it. The voice of a younger me is lacking in the first-person voice that I have since gravitated toward, but the message still feels right.

It was interesting to remember how different my life was when I wrote this, how much more, frankly, positive I was back then; yet in reading it I could remember seeing the concepts in here over and over since the four or five years since I had written it.

The only correction I would make is to say that many of these phases can cycle back and forth; these stages aren’t quite as static as to have such a strict hierarchy as younger Misty laid out herein.

Spirituality is as unique as the people experiencing it. Any given person’s spiritual journey will look completely different than someone else’s; but as with almost everything observable in Nature, spiritual journeys follow a pattern that we can see time and time again — in our lives, and in the lives of our children and those we love. These levels of spirituality coincide with the eight phases of the moon, the eighth phase representing death (which I have chosen not to include in this article but can indeed be considered…



Misty Moon
Interfaith Now

Writer, survivor, fledgling activist. Misty is the narrator inside my head. Buy me a coffee at