Star Wars Spirituality: Conclusion

Meade Adams
Interfaith Now
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2020


Episodes 7–9

Star Wars saw a resurgence in 2015 when Disney purchased Lucasfilm and vowed to put out another trilogy, Episodes 7–9, that would introduce a new generation of characters and wrap up the stories of the Original Trilogy. These films also introduce us to some new Force-powers and new ideas about spirituality.

The Force Awakens

One of the realities of the Force in the Star Wars universe is that there is an ebb and flow. It comes like a wave and then returns to balance. Thousands of years before the events of the Original Trilogy or the Prequels for that matter. took place, there was what is referred to as the “Old Republic.” This was a time of peace and prosperity in the galaxy. Then darkness arises in the form of the Sith, and then Jedi arise to counter that darkness. Eventually, the Jedi overtake the Sith, and peace reigns again for a thousand years until the rise of Palpatine and Darth Vader. Then light again rises to counter that darkness in the presence of Luke and Leia Skywalker and their friends. The point is that there is a cycle. “Darkness rises, and light to meet it,” as Supreme Leader Snoke says. In this first installment of the new trilogy, darkness has again risen, and light is rising to meet it. The Force is “awakened” throughout the galaxy yet again. What this tells me about spirituality is that…



Meade Adams
Interfaith Now

Meade is a writer, speaker, freelancer and poet. Much of his work centers around the themes of race, religion and spirituality. Contact him at