The Covid Reset

The Life Reset You Seek May Have Been Here All Along

Matt Mirabile
Interfaith Now


With Permission, MJM

Lots of people have been rethinking their lives in light of COVID-19. Those of us in highly developed countries and cities have lived very busy lives. We learned that our time was so stuffed with work, entertainment, and materialistic pursuits that there was very little time for the things that make life meaningful. Relationships took second-seat to careers. Conversations surrendered to phone screens. The higher purpose and meaning of life was swallowed up by mindless, soulless pleasure.

The BBC recently released a podcast/article on The Life Project that suggests, in this piece, how Covid provides us all an opportunity to reset,

“Covid-19 has forced us to make major adjustments to how we think and thrive. Surprisingly, some of these shifts have bettered us, and even offered hope for how we’ll go forward.”

Hope is in short supply for many. Political acrimony and unrest, together with financial distress, can suck the life out of you if you have nothing else to raise your vision. We in the West have had to confront our own mortality in the face of Covid. In our risk-averse world, where good healthcare is readily available (even if not affordable) and food plentiful, we lived as if we overcame death itself. In many other parts of the world, this illusion…



Matt Mirabile
Interfaith Now

Author of the Deep Recovery Course and workbook. Cultural contrarian. Anglican Priest in the cure of souls.