The Waters Above and Below: Revisiting the Story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood

The story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood has long cast a spell on the public imagination.

Joe Forrest
Interfaith Now
Published in
18 min readMar 26, 2021


The Biblical account of Noah’s Ark has inspired multiple archeological attempts to “recover” the wreckage of the ark across various mountaintops in the Middle East and a $100 million “biblically-accurate replica” that serves as a tourist attraction in Williamstown, Kentucky.

And in 2014, filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (of Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream fame) drew the Evangelical community’s ire with his bombastic and Jewish mythology-heavy take on the Noah story starring Russell Crowe and Emma Watson.

Noah’s Ark: Sunday School Version

It may also be one of the most misrepresented stories in the entire Bible, curiously repackaged as a children’s tale about a “faithful servant of God” rescuing smiling animals in his big boat from the big rain instead of the more textually-accurate (and terrifying) account of a wrathful deity instigating a planet-wide genocide by submerging the Earth underwater for more than a year.



Joe Forrest
Interfaith Now

Joe Forrest writes on the intersection of faith, culture, secularism, and politics.