Two Faithed

Mark Juhan
Interfaith Now
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2020
Ernst Fuchs, ‘Battle of the Gods That Have Been Transformed’, 1952 oil on canvas

When Judas sits at God’s left hand
For having faith that no one could
Who cannot say it was foretold?
A grand, planned, unrandom land.

When snake gives know of bad for good
Our trying wraith says no to knowing:
‘I’d rather not live split apart
Where joy and woe unwoven start?’

With Aslan’s murder on stone table,
Was nought redeemed in the Ice Queen?
I scream, I whisper, I am no crisper;
‘We ought to save this unclear fable -
no death, no life; no dare, no heart.’

If Yin & Yang base forces be
What when their weather stirs
We whose hearts & minds
Despair, love, hope, fear?

Utility’s a lore pawing at the Law of Included Muddle:
‘Duty is right’, writes our duty — if rights are duty
What’s left is consequence of intent and
Virtuous sequence, pawning.

When ‘Hiroshima saved a hundred thousand lives by avoiding land invasion’
Explain Nagasaki! Nuclear fables
Necessary evils can fuck right off. Yet,

when Bonhöffer tried to kill der Führer from military intelligence,
’twas well spake that
“It’s better to do evil than to be evil.”

Old military yang ‘gainst yin, Judastified,
‘I’ll give JC a chance to prove his trance
has something in’t. Fight. Don’t just die.’
Unclear nuclear fable.

The yes to God’s no is a no to Satan’s yes.
No? Yes.
Cover my bipotential gonad! Quickly! Hide.

On the Eight Day: Brahma begged Buddha, ‘Preach!’
We’ve heard of the Second Coming.
But what of the Third coming of the Budda-Christ?
Come one now! Become on…

To undercomplify or oversimplicate:
When yin and yang nobly crusade against
each other, attach.
When impersonal natural horror
cascades, detach.

Deeper magoi ‘out of time’
As Zoroastrian priests are out of rhyming.

‘Rye can ming’, thus spake St Anthony’s Pyromania:
Whose ancestor’s epopteia popped out in Eleusus and loosed us to
World of Forms and looking back at shadows cast on cave
Whose antecedent, discovered in year of atom-split
Bang, name of delysid, cast mind & God as
excuse for decadence.

You can hear light?
And not just logos light, for

Trees also speak in chemical syntax
through the internet, (kidding kid-goat nibbled at the bark up the wrong deforestation of the middle east), through fun-girl networks.

So, why for central nervousness stems are chemicals so often
a phenomenal sin taxation moan?
Or an irrational smell manipulation time?
…(If pheremone or phanerothyme)…

The First World lives and dies as queens and kings and
Pharoah’s moans fan across the bitter stretch of time

In order to chaotically record
this arty-official paradise.

Try either:

The present absence of the mobilical chord:
Rot scroll down, past the abyss
& if it stares back
- or you need a piss
in which case you can work for Zuckerberg
on the toilet -

Then/or try:

The absent presence, the dazzling darkness, the shining emptiness
of the Paradox Platitude: grow:
it’s not, you, it’s not me, it’s Us:
the more in love ye fall
the less in love ye feel
satisfied yet never content.

I live in a glass house
& throw stones at the sky when it suns,
breaking our I’s wide close.

As if

A demented 7th,
A clog in the machine


This Narrative They Spin
Of The Inevitable March-Positivist
Into the Enlightened-Sceptical Horizon
Of Full Mechanistic Understanding

neither convinces nor drives me.

Love me for my imperfections,
Until I become them
Then stop?

Darwin was a mutated creat-ure
Where would life be without a
Good Mutate?

Where would a Good Mutate be
Without Chaos?

Chaos constantly ordering
God to order.

‘And God saw that it was mutating,
And it was neither.’ (Genesis ∞:∞)

The ultimate power is to give up the ultimate power:
This was Incarnation’s subliminal incantation
This was the unyielding how of creation
This is the gasp of kenosis
This is the rasping why to the loneliness of a God who unkills but kills:

Unself yourself
De-seat your deep seated presumptions about how this works.

Unstoppable force — immovable object
Are the sobject abjectly ubjectifying.

Karma may impersonal be
’tis also in all persons be-
fore, for Recognition of nonself saves
from suffering more the waves

of doubt All impossible without Sustainer: Triangulator:
the unheard hearer hearing
the unseen seer seeing
“smaller than a grain of sand yet larger than these worlds”
at the same timing

‘It’s a social construct’ says the social construct in a conversation-ender,
a non-starter
(the god barks and the caravan passes on) up the wrong tree bark

‘No experience of that!’ Breaks Buddha

‘The kingdom is a place!’ Cries Christ?

‘Blind guides of the blind…’ said both.

In response to all of this one can only say,
I’m long sighted in one ear.

My words no sacrifice on stone or wood
No meditation under tree:
Just artifice to hone the good
(Woeful trepidation, meander in glee.)

Ernst Fuchs, Christ Triumphant, 1962–65, Fantastic Realist School, pencil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm,
Ernst Fuchs, ‘Triumph of Christ’ 1965 in pencil

I’ve been trying to square the circle of the fact that there are deep truths in Christianity and Buddhism for a good while. How do these truths interrelate, if at all?

The prevailing postmodern notion that religious cultural systems are incommensurable flies in the face of the hippie Perennial Philosophies which can start quite quickly to sound like platitudes.

Living two faiths can come across to many in only one camp as an intellectually dishonest or emotionally shallow exoticising tendency.

While each one certainly has enough to saturate the world with meaning, I can’t help but feel that as our glocal village gets more connected, and exposure to radically divergent thoughtworlds keeps trundling, deeper dialogue — that is, ‘through-words’ — becomes necessary.

In this poem I’m trying to see each through the lens of the other, in the context of moral dilemma.

I think having more than one language for the Ultimate enhances the closed system of each language in its own right.

Poetry seems the best way to express this ramble, and if you disagree, you can rest assured…

“The Absolute is Humanity’s Laziest Thought.” — Nick Land Fanged Noumena.


Mark Juhan 2020 All Rights Reserved



Mark Juhan
Interfaith Now

I get my imagination bet the letter with me ( Writing for Resistance Poetry Interfaith Now & From the Poet’s Heart