Waking Up: Christianity, White Privilege, and the Dark Side of American History

Joe Forrest
Interfaith Now
Published in
22 min readMay 11, 2020


According to a 2016 Barna research study, only 56% of white evangelicals believe that people of color are put at a social disadvantage as a result of their race. However, according to the same study, 94% of white evangelicals agreed with the statement “Christian churches play an important role in racial reconciliation.”

While white evangelicals are the least likely demographic to believe racism is a problem in modern society, they are simultaneously the most likely demographic to believe the Church has an important role to play in racial reconciliation.

Which is a bit ironic, right?

In a recent study by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), more than half of white evangelicals (52%) believe that America becoming a majority non-white nation “will be a negative development” for the United States.

According to the PRRI researchers, among all other demographics, white evangelicals were “unique in the extent” of their negative feelings toward demographic change.

As a Christian myself, I don’t believe the Christian religion is the root cause of racism and slavery. But, I have to ask, why is it that white evangelicals are the least likely demographic to confront and acknowledge racism in America today?



Joe Forrest
Interfaith Now

Joe Forrest writes on the intersection of faith, culture, secularism, and politics.