What Happened to Christ?

Simon Heathcote
Interfaith Now
Published in
Jan 26, 2022

I walked down to the bakery
but found the streets cleared,
while the churches are filled
with priests bowing solely to man,
their congregations lower still.
God has been shunted to the aisles.

I have seen the heart of man run cold,
a glacier hidden beneath
a thousand surface smiles,
then the lies & the long purge —
our descent into the known.
Mystery has been relegated
to an Arctic exile. Questions arise.

Does anyone still read?
What about that longing in the soul?
Never mention that Jesus hugged lepers.
Justification & rationalization is
the religion of the modern mind.

Most are blinded, don’t see the ark —
haven’t noticed how it rains steadily
all day. They are already deluged,
drowned by a mind filled with others’ ideas.
And their radical saint?
Almost entirely disappeared.

Copyright Simon Heathcote



Simon Heathcote
Interfaith Now

Psychotherapist writing on the human journey for some; irreverently for others; and poetry for myself; former newspaper editor. Heathcosim@aol.com