Why Do Christian Leaders Fail Spectacularly?

Our brokenness shows

B. Shannon
Interfaith Now


Photo by Ivan Vranić on Unsplash

It is no secret that the evangelical Christian faith has produced some leaders that have failed pretty spectacularly. Most recently is Jerry Falwell Jr, who recently resigned from Liberty University over allegations of sexual misconduct. Whether it is all true or not, we may never know. Either way, it is a pretty spectacular failure.

Pride Cometh Before a Fall

Pride seems to be a common theme among leaders that fail in a very public way (Proverbs 16:18). Occasionally, a leader will get caught in a scandal, own up to it, and apologize. Pride often leads to greed as well. Usually, they make excuses, justify their actions, divert blame or lash out in “righteous” anger. None of these are biblical responses. Our leaders are not special people that are better than anyone else. They are sinners, just like us and they fail just like we do. Humility is a vital trait for leadership (James 4:6) everywhere, but especially in the church. It is important to remember that God is in complete control and allowed those leaders to be in the position they are in. Don’t forget that God has used many, many horrible people to further his kingdom throughout history.




B. Shannon
Interfaith Now

Lover and amateur writer of Science Fiction. Occasional writer of inspirational and non-fiction articles. Wishes he could stop speaking in 3rd person.