Intergenerational Inspiration Q&A with Dee Wallace, Hollywood Actress

Andrea J. Fonte Weaver
Intergenerational Inspiration
3 min readNov 29, 2018

Hollywood Actress Dee Wallace is recognized and beloved across the world for her roles in iconic films like Steven Spielberg’s E.T. the Extraterrestrial, The Howling and Cujo. With her current movie Every Other Holiday airing now on the Lifetime Channel, she continues to be a fan favorite. Below is my interview with Dee Wallace on her special intergenerational inspirations.

Dee Wallace and ET Photo courtesy: Dee Wallace

1) Intergenerational relationships traditionally focus on people who are “skipped”, non-adjacent generations like grandparents and grandchildren. Have you had someone in your life from a skipped generation who greatly inspired you?

My maternal grandmother raised me. She was a great spiritual force in my life that taught me what the phrase “strong woman” really meant. She was also my best friend: someone I could confide in, laugh with and depend on. Always.

2) What is something you enjoyed doing with the person? What did you learn from him or her?

I loved being picked up from school every day. We would get “brown cows” together (her term for root beer floats). And I loved doing all the church activities with her. She was quite the matriarch of our Methodist Church. I learned to rely on a greater power to partner with me.

Dee Wallace joined by her husband, Christopher Stone, with her grandmother
Photo courtesy: Dee Wallace

3) How has this relationship continued to impact you? Is there something you do or a motto you follow in your personal or professional life that came from that intergenerational connection?

This relationship will always impact me. Every Christmas, I personally place Grandma’s handmade star atop our tree. She made it for me the first Christmas I was in New York, lonely and aching for family. I’ve carried it with me since. And I have her beautiful paintings all around my home, surrounding me with her artistry and love.

4) Is there someone in your life now from a younger generation in which you have a special reverse-mentoring relationship? What types of experiences do you share together?

Definitely my daughter. I am passing down my love for traditions and how important they are. On Thanksgiving, we make our pies together for twenty friends who join us every year for Thanksgiving dinner. Many of these same friends have joined our gratitude table for over thirty years now. I am hoping that she always and forever holds the sanctity of family…biological and chosen!

Dee holding her baby daughter Gabrielle. Photo courtesy: Dee Wallace
Dee with Gabrielle on her 21st birthday. Photo courtesy: Dee Wallace

5) How do you encourage intergenerational relationships in your family, business or community?

I strive to treat all my clients with the respect and love as I do my own family. Because they are.

6) Is there a book, movie or piece of art that has reminded you about the importance and power of intergenerational inspiration?

My grandmother’s paintings, especially of her corn. It is hanging over the mantel in my bedroom. I actually have another bedroom called Grandma’s Room, because it is filled with her pastels. She often took me to workshops where we made things together. Her art will be some of the most important things I pass down to my daughter and her children.

7) How can our readers follow you and learn more about your work?

Here are my links:
Instagram: @thedeewallace
Twitter: @Dee_Wallace
Free call in show (319) 527–6305



Andrea J. Fonte Weaver
Intergenerational Inspiration

Founder & Executive Director of Bridges Together (BT), a nonprofit that provides training and tools to improve multigenerational connections.