13 Newsletters Digital Journalists Should Subscribe To

Ana Clara Paniago
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2019
Illustration by Cameron Clark

The thought of any more emails in an ever-replenishing inbox fills most journalists with dread. But with a bit of careful curation, newsletters are a great asset, helping keep you on top of the daily news, and giving you an edge in your morning meetings.

Here at Interhacktives, we’ve put together a list of newsletters that we think every digital journalist should be keeping up with. From daily news to politics to freelancing opportunities, all of these free newsletters will (hopefully) brighten up your news-filled days. Trust us, this is for your own good.

The Spoon

If you, like me, are always in a rush but still want to be updated on what’s going in the news, then this newsletter is perfect for you. Jane Merrick summarises the main talking points every day in an email that can be read in 3.5 minutes. Subscribe here.

Politico’s London Playbook

Full disclosure, it’s pretty impossible to keep up with everything that’s happening in Westminster. This daily newsletter summarises it all neatly, and is even read by government officials on the way to work! Subscribe here.


This is an incredible website that rounds up media jobs in the UK, even highlighting some exciting opportunities outside London. The newsletter drops every Monday, ready to take you through the week. Subscribe here.


The idea behind this website is to give you “free, constructive tools you can’t find anywhere else”. And that’s what it does — JournoResources is the only place with a full list of graduate schemes, with the email coming out twice a month. Subscribe here.

Sian Meades’ Freelance Writing Jobs

This easy-to-read newsletter, interspersed with great GIFs and cultural references, is a welcome addition to my inbox every Wednesday. Sian searches far and wide (and Twitter) for the best calls for pitches, and it pays off. Subscribe here.

Anna Codrea-Rado’s The Professional Freelancer

Similar to Sian Mendes’ newsletter, this is another great tool for any potential freelancer. She compiles great tips on financing and pitching, and always has a picture of her dog, which is a plus. You’ll receive these on Fridays. Subscribe here.

Digiday UK

All digital journalists focusing on the future of the media should have a finger on the pulse of Digiday’s website, and receiving the newsletter at 6 AM every weekday is a great way to stay ahead of the competition. Subscribe here.

Sara Fischer’s Axios’ Media Trends

Just like Digiday, journalists focused on the future of the media should look at Axios as much as possible. You can sign up to receive this particular newsletter every week or every day. Subscribe here.

Nieman Lab: The Daily Digest

NiemanLab — Or to give it its full title, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, NiemanLab does a great weekly compilation of their top articles, reaching your mailboxes at the start of the weekend for a leisurely catch-up on everything that’s happened. Subscribe here.

Ben Whitelaw’s Everything In Moderation

Wondering how in the world social media can play a part in politics (and vice versa)? Ben Whitelaw’s got the answer. His Thursday newsletter looks at a variety of different tech-related news, and always includes the ‘big picture’. Subscribe here.

Adriana Lacy’s The Social Status

This newsletter, which has only had 7 issues so far, is a good compilation of articles all about the digital media stratosphere. Adriana Lacy, who is currently at The New York Times, will join the LA Times as audience editor later this month. Subscribe here.

Quartz’ Quartz Obsession

Subtitled ‘A daily deep dive for curious minds’, this newsletter brings you fascinating facts split up into neat headings: By The Digits, Origin Story, Explain It Like I’m 5! and more. A perfect mid-afternoon read. Subscribe here.


We’re on the way to restart the Interhacktives newsletter, with a roundup of the best digital journalism news from around all of these websites and more. Be ready for the first edition to drop very soon. Subscribe here.

Are there any newsletters that we missed out? Tweet us @interhacktives with your suggestions.

Originally published by Ana Clara Paniago at www.interhacktives.com on February 18, 2019.



Ana Clara Paniago

@anaclarapaniago on every social platform / Interactive Journalism MA student