7 Tips on refreshing your content

How repackaging previously-published pieces can help you get the most from your content.

Megan Groves
2 min readNov 1, 2017

In a great content marketing strategy — which we all want, right?— content distribution is where the bulk of your leads are going to come in. There are a plenty of thing you do with your content before you use before you hit ‘publish’ — but, here are some things you can do with your work that is already out there.

Along with using the Magic Ratio of Content Distribution and priming your content ahead of time, there are two immensely helpful distribution tools you should be using:

1.) Content Repackaging

2.) Content Repurposing

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Here, I’m going to talk about the first half of this powerful duo—content repackaging—and will publish a quick and easy guide to content repurposing next week.

Repackaging your content basically means re-dressing the same post slightly differently and then re-distributing it with a fresh face.

It might look something like this:

  • Changing the title/headline and republishing it on Medium
  • Using all new tags in Medium/your preferred blog platform
  • Changing the tone of social headlines by using questions, quotes, points, or exclamations from the article
  • Swapping out the images in the post and the ones being used for social posts
  • Swapping out quotes from experts
  • Altering the text slightly so it’s 75% the same, but has things reworded throughout with a fresh title, sub-headlines, and different sentences accentuated

Repackaging content is taking the same material and freshening it up to appeal to different readers.

Photo by Patrick Tamasso

It’s not efficient for a small company to just do one tweet or one Facebook post— after spending 45 minutes writing a blog post.

Doing so will leave you with a really bad return and a low post-to-engagement ratio. Consistent repackaging of every post will ensure that content is posted multiple times and maximized. In turn, more people of different demographics within your target customer base will be attracted and your content will stay relevant longer.

Where does repackaging fit in your overall strategy?

There are so many levers you can use to get the most out of your content. If you want to take your content strategy a step further, be sure to review these quick tips on getting your content in front of your ideal customer.



Megan Groves

InterimCMO & founder of Modular Marketing, startup advisor, polyglot, wine geek. www.modularmarketing.co