10 Simple Ways to Make You Happier at Home

Simple things to transform your mood in the place that matters most.

Nabomita Das Roy
Interior Design Inspiration
5 min readMay 30, 2018


Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

It’s true when they say “happiness begins at home.”

And since homes are not mere concrete buildings but our haven and place where we always want to come back to, there is this unsaid need of wanting it to be welcoming and beautiful as an extension of our thoughts and and the foundation of our dreams.

A little effort, here and there, to recreate our homes can bring such a significant difference in uplifting our mood and fall in love with our homes, forever.

Here are 10 simple ways to create the home of your ultimate happiness.

1. Wake up to your favorite music

Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

Our mornings are the most crucial part of the day and what better way to start it by tuning into your favourite radio station, spotify or setting a morning playlist on your phone to kickstart your day and be thrilled for yet another fresh startover.

2. Make Your Bed Daily

Power of Making your Bed

I know it sounds barely exciting, BUT this simple practice is being professed as one of the most successful habits to start your day with.

The famous non-fiction author and journalist John Duhigg explains in his best selling book “The Power of Habit”, how making your bed in the morning sets an extraordinary pattern for better productivity and influences your ability to make better decisions for the rest of the day.

So, the next time you feel lazy — remember to make your bed, because you’re taking one step closer to a “happier you”.

3. Create a Fitness Corner

Credit : andreavelame.com.br

Creating a fitness corner for yourself in your house inspires you to spread your yoga mat and use that cardio ball that’s been collecting dust in your garage.

The benefit of morning workouts goes a long way than just being in good shape. Not only does it kickstart your metabolism but is also a mood booster and reforms your source of energy and mental well-being.

4. Find Your Sanctuary

Photo by Jessica Castro on Unsplash

We all have that one comfort zone in our house.

It can be by the window or on your porch with your plants. Make good use of it to cherish the goodness of your home and get creative to build that corner.

Put a nice chair or add a colorful pillow of your choice, a craft you love, get your favorite books handy, grab a cup of coffee and just chill.

5. Improve your Lighting ☀️

the Logan Floor Lamp from Brightech

Light plays a very crucial role in transforming the way we feel about our space. Natural light is crucial during the day and warm beautiful lighting fixtures are crucial at night.

Do your research and pick the right kind of lighting that brightens up your house with enough warmth and style and you’re all set.

6. Display your Family’s Pictures on the Walls

Credit : Dirt Roads and Dimples

If you haven’t pulled out those ‘happy memories’ yet, then it’s time you sort them out and brighten up your walls. Family pictures, fond memories with friends and loved ones are always great not only as home decor accessories but they also lift up your spirits and create a sense of belonging in your home.

7. Add Bright Colors and Accents

Credit: Popsugar.com

Bright colors have a very profound effect on our moods. It feels like Spring never leaves you.

You can add colors to your house in multiple ways from bright pillows, accent chairs, interesting artifacts, bold shelves or even a bunch of flowers.

8. Get Rid of Clutter

Credit : theeverygirl.com

Less unattended stuff means lesser dust to clean and a happier mind. Atleast that’s how I see it. 😎

Having a cleaning and declutter ritual protects you from the unwanted pile up of mails, coupons and clothes and lets the peace stay with you. Also, it ends up saving your labor and creating more clean and social space for your eyes.

9. Make Time To Garden

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

Indoor gardening has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years, probably because of how much stress people are experiencing in their lives.

Scientific studies and Interior designers have been focusing on the importance of indoor and outdoor plants for both aesthetics and health. When you choose the the right kinds of plants you add a lot of positive elements and make your home feel cozy and spacious.

10. Enliven Your Entrance

Credit : Grandinroad

Like a book cover, the entrance of your home needs to make a good impression.

Your entryway can speak a lot about you and your house. Feel creative to add anything from welcome mats, garden accents like statues, stakes, striking flower pots or even a bright outdoor chair and make yourself proud.

That wraps it up. What did you guys think of my 10 tips to make you feel happier in your home?

Leave your love in the comments 💕.



Nabomita Das Roy
Interior Design Inspiration

I am an avid blogger & a content writer, aspiring digital marketer, an obsessed vegan baker, an animal lover, and nature’s admirer. | www.mindeology.com