5 Ways to Cut Clutter From Your Life Forever

Avoid some of these basic mistakes to lead a clutter-free life.

Interior Design Inspiration
4 min readSep 13, 2018


Let’s face it, clutter is one common problem that we all deal with on an everyday basis. For most of us it is a genuine struggle trying to keep our home and our work desks look impeccably neat and spacious. But where is it that we are mostly go wrong? Is it too many things to take care of or too little space to accommodate our things.

Agree or not, the cause is a combination of both. A cluttered space is not an attribute of small spaces alone but even the larger ones.

So how do we define if a space is hustling with clutter? Well, for starters take a look around to see if you notice a pile of literally anything or if have you stashed your stuff in a closet wondering you would need them in future and haven’t touched them over a year. If this feels familiar, then it’s about time you need to make a resolution to free up your space from some clutter.

Here is a quick cheat list of 5 ways to get rid of clutter from your life forever.

  1. Find a “Place” for your Items
Source: A House In the Hills

One of the easiest and challenging things to lead a clutter free life to to designate a place for every item and stick to the plan. Resist the temptation to procrastinate and pick up things from where it doesn’t belong. This is a practice that takes effort to reach perfection. Most of the times, not keeping your things in their right place is the number one reason for clutter in your household.

2. Get Rid of Junk Papers

Ways to get rid of junk papers

We do not realize the number of subscriptions we sign up for unless there is a pile of papers, mails, coupons and magazines mounting in a corner or even worse, scattered around the house.

Junk mails and coupons can be overwhelming and the most tried and tested way to deal with them is it to recycle them in the trash cans conveniently kept next to the mailbox. Carry home only what you need and unsubscribe magazines that you don’t find time to read. Better still, opt for digital versions and read them at your own pace.

Also, make a ritual to clean your drawers and study desk to eliminate any irrelevant papers, expired coupons and outdated bill receipts and file only what is necessary.

3. Organize Your Laundry

Interesting Closet Ideas from Ikea

Are you afraid to open your closet fearing a hill of clothes racing down on you?

Unorganised clothes and unsorted laundry is serious problem. Arranging your dirty clothes in separate baskets and fixing a day for laundry should become a part of your regular cleaning ritual. Post laundry cycles, don’t hesitate to put back your clothes on the hangers or fold away those clean linens to where they belong. Most often, we are just too lazy to keep our clothes from where we take them, resulting in a messy closet.

And for those shabby towels and clothes you haven’t worn in years, consider of donating them to goodwill stores to make way for a decluttered and organized space.

4. Free up your Closets and Cabinets

Smart ways to Organize Your Closet

If you can’t see it, doesn’t mean clutter doesn’t exist. Places like these are invariably suffering and need to be cleared up immediately. Your bathroom vanity, medicine and kitchen closets are ideal spots to hide things that should have long been replaced.

Not only is it unsafe to have expired medication lying in your household, those prescription bottles in numbers, do eat up a lot of your space. Audit your closets of empty jars or unused cosmetics and get rid of all the needless junk that has been secretly building up.

5. Target for a Cleaning Agenda

Creating a cleaning schedule

As mundane it may seem, the importance of a cleaning day in your weekly schedule is indispensable.

Set at least half a day, every week to dedicate to house-cleaning. Also, make most of your trash pick-up days where you can sort out all the clutter and have them gone in just one day. Isn’t that brilliant?

Fixing a house cleaning day further lets you have a sparkling and decluttered home in any given random day of the week without having you to stress over arranging your space only when guests are to arrive.

Getting rid of clutter can be overwhelming but the sooner you act upon it the better it is. Many experts have also expressed the benefits for a decluttered living as more than just a sparkling home but also crucial for our emotional well being.

With a little consistency and these basic 5 tips, you can go a long way in getting rid of clutter for the rest of your lives.



Interior Design Inspiration

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