Announcing: The Innovator Programme

Following in the footsteps of innovation, the community takes the next step into the galaxy

7 min readJun 14, 2022


Following in the footsteps of innovation, the community takes the next step into the galaxy

Humble beginnings

Last year, Interlay launched its official “Ambassador Programme” and experienced tremendous community engagement and commitment. Ambassadors helped educate thousands of people about Interlay’s vision and technology across dozens of communities.

First and foremost, we want to thank all of our community — especially our (Apprentice) Ambassadors — for their support and all the hard work that was put in to grow Interlay as a network.

Many things went well, and as with all new frontiers, some things did not go well. We were overwhelmed by the interest and new to the game, but also unaware of the expectations built up by other programmes. As we slowly wound down the Ambassador programme over the last few months to review and rebuild, we spoke with many of you and heard your honest feedback.

We have learned, iterated and improved. Now it’s time to take action.

Introducing the Innovator Programme

Introducing the Innovator Programme. A newly refurbished, rebranded and reimagined community system has arrived. Welcome to the new Innovator Programme.

At the core, the Innovator Programme enables active and trusted community members to earn rewards for contributing to the success of Interlay & Kintsugi.


  • A new role and leveling system
  • A bounty system, funded by Interlay and Kintsugi treasuries
  • Bounties curated by senior members & the community
  • Access to bounties unlocked based on role & level
  • A more exclusive selection process and more benefits for senior members
  • A crystal clear focus on product, education and healthy community growth

Tl;dr of the tl;dr

Solve & unlock bounties based on your role & level, and claim rewards from treasury for good work. The higher the level, the better the bounties, the higher the potential rewards.

Canary First: Starting with a 1-Month Trial Period

The Innovator Program will launch with a trial period — with first Explorer & Innovator spots being reserved for application from existing (Apprentice) Ambassadors.

We value the hard work of our current Ambassadors and apprentices, therefore we’ve decided to reserve the first few slots of this trial dedicated to those already part of our previous ambassador community.

Lasting around one month, this trial, gives Interlay the opportunity to gain insightful feedback, suggestions and advice from our beta testers. If everything goes well, we will open up to everyone in 4 weeks!

Ranks and Progression

Time to dive into the details. What’s really changed?

New Roles!

  • Explorer
  • Innovator
  • Visionary
  • [Secret Role]
  • [Super Secret Role]

We’ve introduced five new roles, each containing different rewards and responsibilities. You’ll progress your way through the programme unlocking further benefits, bounties and incentives as you work and collaborate with your fellow innovators!

Let’s ‘explore’ what these roles really mean, yes that pun was intentional…


As an Interlay Explorer you’ll gain access to a range of benefits! Ranging from exclusive Alpha directly from the team, access to the explorer bounty channel, a chance to attend direct calls with the Community Manager & the CEO & Co-Founder of Interlay! Oh and we can’t forget, the ability to redeem your points for vested KINT and INTR!


The Innovator role gives you everything the Explorer does and more! With access to the exclusive Innovator bounty channel & discord role, you’ll gain automatic access to the private reward channels in the Dework. As an Interlay Innovator, you’ll pave the way forward for the community.

What about Visionary & other super secret roles!?

The Visionary role comes right after Innovator, but make no mistake, this role is even more rewarding than the last, but where’s the fun in spilling all the secrets so early?

We’re calling on all members of the community to join the programme! Work your way up to Innovator and be some of the first to explore the never before seen Visionary role!

How often do promotions happen?

Promotions ceremonies will happen once per quarter with the first ceremony starting after our trial period ends, allowing our members the chance to graduate to the next rank.

To start, the Interlay team will review all members thoroughly, inviting a select group of people to progress to the next tier. As the programme expands, more senior members of the community will take the reins and become more involved with the review process.

How long does it take me to become a Visionary?

The Visionary role is an exclusive rank, where only the most dedicated, hardworking and active members of the Interlay community are allowed the honour of becoming a Visionary. The Visionary role isn’t something you get overnight, but instead earned.

If you’re a new member, fresh to the community, then here’s how long it’ll take for you to progress through the ranks.

  • New Member → Explorer’s, the time taken to progress varies from person to person! If you’re an active member of the community, completing the open to all tasks frequently, then you can expect to join the ranks of Explorers the following quarter!
  • Explorer’s → Innovators, Now this one takes a bit more time and effort! The ETA between these two ranks is roughly 6 months onwards after graduation to Explorer.
  • Innovators → Visionaries, Now we’re onto the big leagues, after becoming an Innovator, we estimate roughly 1 year of work and determination to graduate to a full fledged Visionary.

Wait, did you say bounties?

Yes, we believe in paying contributors for quality work. We’ve partnered with the third party platform, to provide a seamless, rewarding and collaborative experience for each and everyone one of our Innovators.

The screenshot below shows an example of a task on Dework. Member’s can earn points by completing tasks. These points can then be redeemed for vested KINT & INTR (depending on the bounty) via a treasury proposal at the end of each month — subject to approval by community governance.

Bounty Access & Reward Calculations

Role-based Bounties
Based on your role, you get access to different bounties — each role unlocking new levels of rewards and challenges.

If you’ve got the Explorer rank in our Discord, you’ll automatically gain access to the Explorer section within the Dework platform. The same goes for the Innovator and Visionary ranks.

Rewards: Point System

Rewards are distributed in vested KINT / INTR and are calculated by a ROI price point system.

Each task is assigned a ranking depending on the following criteria,

  • Urgency of task 1–5
  • Required difficulty 1–5
  • Time taken to complete 1–5

The task is then calculated and awarded a value, in USD depending on the number of points it’s worth.

Point Redemption

Once per period (e.g. once per month) rewards are paid by the Interlay and Kintsugi treasuries. This must be approved by community members, ensuring fairness and making it difficult to game this system.

Once onboarded you will be asked to link your Discord account to a blockchain account that will receive bounty payments.

Getting Involved

Want to get Involved straight away?

Join our Discord to get involved! Alternatively, be sure to check out the official Interlay Dework link here!

I’m already an (Apprentice) Ambassador.. What happens now?

If you were part of the programme before the change, then don’t worry we’ve got you covered! All current Ambassadors and apprentices will have the opportunity to be onboarded into the new Innovator programme.

With the trial period, we’ll start by choosing a select few Apprentices & Ambassadors to help trial and take part in our new bounty programme.

Selected Apprentice’s → Explorer’s

Selected Ambassador’s → Innovators

What are the next steps?

Next week, beginning Monday 20th, we’ll invite all current Apprentices & Ambassadors to attend a community call hosted by both CEO and Co-Founder of Interlay, Alexei and the Community Manager, Remy.

Throughout the call we’ll walk you through, in detail, all of the changes that have been made to the programme, including the rewards and responsibilities that you’ll encounter with each tier as you progress.

The team will then select about 15–20 Ambassadors & Apprentices to be onboarded and trial the programme for roughly 1 month.

If you’re a current Apprentice or Ambassador and interested in joining the trial, be sure to head on over to our Discord & say ‘Im In!’ In the dedicated Ambassador channels on the Interlay Discord.

I’m new. Can I also participate?

Open To All!
We’ve opened up the ‘Open To All’ section! If you’re new to the community, or missed out on being part of the trial and beta-tester, then this ones for you!

New tasks will be available as the community progresses, so be sure to complete as many as possible. Open To All Tasks provide small monetary rewards that will be redeemed only if you graduate to the next tier once all systems are go and we launch full time!

About Interlay

We envision a future where blockchains seamlessly connect and interact: anyone can use any digital asset on any blockchain, trustless and without limitations. We work with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Cosmos, and others to expand interoperability, capital efficiency, and openness.

Our flagship product is interBTC — Bitcoin on any blockchain. A 1:1 Bitcoin-backed asset, fully collateralized, interoperable, and censorship-resistant, realizing the true free nature of BTC and decentralized finance.

Follow our Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to keep up to date with daily updates from the team.




Interlay is building a one-stop shop for all things Bitcoin DeFi. BTC trading, lending, staking, and a way to deploy into other DeFi products.