Ecosystem Update #7— February 2022

Remy Le Berre
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2022

Welcome everyone to the Community Update newsletter. We hope everyone had an exciting New Year & enjoyed the holiday season!

This is the second installment of our Community Update blogs, where we’ll be discussing all the relevant news, topics, and events currently sweeping through the InterlayCommunity. We’ll also be diving deep into the behind-the-scenes action and taking a glimpse of the future for what’s to come!

Follow our Twitter Telegram,, and Discord to keep up with daily updates from the team, or visit our website.

An EVENTful year?
Whilst 2021 may have been a year of quarantine & self-isolation, there’s one thing that brought us all together, community. The DOTsama verse keeps expanding; with Kintsugi going live and Interlay not far behind, we’ve thought that the best way to give back to everyone is through some fantastic community events!

The recent holiday NFT event was quite a hit amongst the community, with submissions flowing in from a varied and talented pool of artists. With such a fantastic selection of work and the votes flooding in, it for sure was a close call!

The 3 Winners

Once again, a massive congratulations to the three winners of #Intersleigh!

The Year Of The Tiger
What better way to celebrate the Lunar New Year than to give our talented Interlay artists another chance to take part in the Blue Tiger NFT competition?

Get Involved!
The Interlay artists are out in full swing, showcasing their talents across the Interlay community.

A click away from getting involved!

All you need to do is submit your original artwork to the #submissions channel in our Discord!

AMA Central
The Weekly AMA’s venue has changed. Yes, you heard that right. The weekly community calls are now hosted on our Twitter spaces! Don’t worry; you can still ask your questions, just be sure to comment below the Twitter announcement.

What’s been happening?
Interlay x Moonbeam AMA!
If you’ve not seen it, the Interlay and Moonbeam teams came together to host a joint talk on usability + Integrations, developments and community collabs where we showed our communities and scratched the surface of interoperability between the teams.

Realsatoshinet x IOSG x Interlay!
An amazing and informative AMA with @realsatoshinet and our investor & partner IOSGVC where they discussed everything from achievements, updates, and what the future holds for Interlay.

Interlay x PolkaHäus x Composable!
Interlay was invited to speak on a joint call with the well renowned PolkaHäus & Composable, and what an honor it was!

Polkadot Conversations: Parachain Rollouts!
Interlay was invited to be a panelist on Polkadot Conversations! A crowdcast platform where multiple team members from projects such as; Parity Technologies, Phala Network, Composable Finance, Equilibrium, and our own Co-Founder & CTO of Interlay — Dominik Harz!

CryptoSyzygy x Interlay AMA!
We partnered with Cryptosyzygy, a community well known throughout the Crypto — verse where Interlay was given the opportunity to expand and reach new audiences by hosting a live Twitter & Telegram AMA session! More on this AMA here!

Interlay x Masterclass “Como nunca antes”
We discussed with 600 students interoperability, the uniqueness of XLAIM protocol, challenges and opportunities in the current blockchain environment, and the vision of Interlay for the future.

Ambassador Promotions!
It’s official, and the Ambassador programme is back open! We onboarded our new batch of Interlay Ambassadors last week, and what a week it’s been! With fresh faces in the mix and more to come, we’re excited to kick 2022 off with some exciting future developments, including a potential Ambassador SWAG & MERCH store!

We Are Recruiting!
Were always trying to recruit new faces into our Ambassador family, especially new apprentices. If you’d like to jump into the mix and become part of our ever growing Ambassador team, then click here to be taken to our discord.

About Interlay
We envision a future where blockchains seamlessly connect and interact: anyone can use any digital asset on any blockchain, trustless and without limitations. We work with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Cosmos, and others to expand interoperability, capital efficiency, and openness.

Our flagship product is interBTC — Bitcoin on any blockchain. A 1:1 Bitcoin-backed asset, fully collateralized, interoperable, and censorship-resistant, realising the true free nature of BTC and decentralised finance.

Follow our Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to keep up to date with daily updates from the team.

