Community Update

Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2021

by Remy Le Berre

Welcome everyone to the Community Update newsletter! The first, of hopefully many, community updates delivered right to your inbox.

Within this newsletter, we will explore the recent updates, news, and exciting events within the Interlay community. We’ll also be diving deep into the behind-the-scenes action and look into the future for the Interlay Ambassador Program!

Follow our Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to keep up to date with daily updates from the team, or visit our website.

What’s happening with the Ambassador Program?

With all the changes currently developing within the community, it’s only fair we address this question first.

The Interlay Ambassador Program has flourished and grown into a fantastic community, with people applying every day, quality content being made, and the weekly onboardings. Currently, we have a community of more than 12 000 people across our channels on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord with already extraordinary 200 Apprentices and 50 fully-fledged Ambassadors!

Art: #kxinon #lilnegroni #Rasandinv #qucha #olewko #Samolet #Andreyboreyko

With so many talented people in the Program, it’s only fair we provide all of you an opportunity to show your skills, knowledge and creativity. To do so, we focus on three thematic work areas, that we believe are of great importance for the community at this very moment.

The three work areas are:


Usability & Tech

Engagement & Growth

Apprentices and Ambassadors will have the opportunity to become part of a team in any of the three thematic areas!


As part of the Education team, your will help create a deeper understanding of the projects.

Supporting people to realise the true value of Interlay and Kintsugi, you educate current and future community members on the differences between both projects, alongside the uses and benefits for the ecosystems.

Usability & Tech

Your role as part of the Usability & Tech team will be to showcase Interlay and Kintsugi to the wider community.

Initially, you will be helping to broadcast and demonstrate the functionality of Kintsugi BTC (kBTC) and Interlay (interBTC), alongside the ability to help test and showcase the projects’ features. You will help create a deeper understanding of the underlying technology of Kintsugi and Interlay, including the usage and testing of vaults, minting kBTC and interBTC, and further on their usability on Kusama and Polkadot, respectively.

Engagement & Growth

As part of the Engagement and Growth team, it will be diving deep into helping the Interlay community grow, flourish and thrive, spreading the word of Interlay and Kintsugi to the crypto community at large.

To do so, this team will dedicate itself to enforcing active participation, especially within the upcoming Interlay crowdloan for Polkadot parachain slot, and in consideration for future governance.

Ambassador Hierarchy & Structure

Who is the Community Council?

Since the start of the community, before the Kintsugi crowdloan, at the very dawn of the Ambassador Program, three key members worked extremely hard behind the scenes on bringing and consolidating the community we have today.

Let’s say a huge thank you and congratulations to the new Interlay Community Council!


#GodsHunter | DOUBLE TOP

#Chouchou | 微信17606987511

These three Ambassadors are working closely with the Interlay team, strategizing and planning tasks, organization, and next steps for the community that we all so love today!

The Council will contunue collaborating closely with the Interlay team and at the same time be the interlocutor for the community! It will also be working hand in hand with the Team Leads of each group to help provide support and guidance.

How are the teams organised?

With the help of the Community Council, the Interlay team has decided on appointing:

1 Ambassador Team Lead for the Education Team

1 Ambassador Team Lead for the Usability & Tech Team

3 Ambassador Team Leads for the Engagement & Growth Team

These roles will be rotational! From now until the end of the Interlay crowdloan campaign (end of December 2021), the elected Ambassadors chosen by Interlay will remain in place until we secure a slot on Polkadot! This rotational aspect allows all Ambassadors to show their talent and develop their skills by volunteering to become a team lead.

Who will lead the teams?

The first batch of rotational Team Leads has been chosen! With the advice of the Interlay Council, the Interlay team has selected five people to lead the Ambassadors and Apprentices through the crowdloan!

Let’s say a huge congratulations to our new Team Leads!

Education: #UladSea

Usability & Tech: #Sik

Engagement & Growth: #LauraKhar /#MAXIMUSDAT / #Lailai

What are the Squad Captains?

Each thematic workgroup will have four distinct Squads:

Translation Squad

YouTube Squad

Moderation Squad

Media Squad

The candidates for the Squads will be nominated based upon your work and contribution towards the group! The Team Leads and the Interlay Council will make the final decisions on who they believe are suited for each specific Squad!

That’s it in a nutshell! More news, organizational details, and awesome surprises are coming soon!

Till next time!

About Interlay

A collaborative effort of pioneers around the globe working together on bringing Bitcoin to any blockchain. Invest, earn and pay with your BTC on any blockchain. Radically open and secured by insurance.

We Are Hiring!

Community Manager [Chinese Speaking]


Business Development Manager

Senior UI/UX Designer




alchemist in the multiverse ★ exploring the connectedness in all