Interlay Dev & Ecosystem Update #5

Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2021

The autumn has rushed in with full force, intense and exciting! We had our first major challenge and we won — the 11th Slot in the Kusama parachain auctions! Now heading towards a new one — Interlay going Polkadot Our amazing community is growing, creating, and educating everyone who wants to know more about Kintsugi and Interlay, and the full potential of trustless BTC. More cutting edge developments coming from the tech lab.

Follow our Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to keep up to date with daily updates from the team, or visit our website.

Kintsugi to Kusama

By now, you all probably have heard that Kintsugi won the 12th Kusama Parachain Slot! After an emotional rollercoaster and fierce competition, the community has voted for trustless Bitcoin to come to the Kusama DeFi ecosystem. We reached our cap of 200 000 KSM supported by 8 013 contributions. The leasing period started October 13th, 2021 till August 5th, 2022.

What’s next for Kintsugi — check on the Live Kintsugi Launch Roadmap and our blog post for a summary:

Art: Vagif#6511 / Vladislav Makrov#4121, winners of #SpookyKintsugi

Spooky Kintsugi

Focused on our daily tasks, sprints, and roadmaps, we suddenly found our social channels spooked by astonishing Halloween art dedicated to Kintsugi! The community was celebrating our first of many victories. And what a better way to share the exhilarating joy than art! The community voted for three top winners. Interlay will mint them as NFTs on Kusama and give back to their creators in a true DeFi spirit.

Art: MAXIMUSDAT and @goldmember toha#6999, winners of #SpookyKintsugi

Interlay to Polkadot

How much we needed that fresh gulp of ocean air at our Lisbon retreat beginning of November, we only know! Tried to ride the waves, of course, but we mostly strategised and carefully planned the next steps. December will be a busy month — launching KINT and Interlay entering batch 2 of the Polkadot crowdloan and parachain auctions.

Auctions begin on December 23rd. All we want for Christmas is …!

Want to know more about our vision and game plan, check the blog:

Interlay team at the retreat in Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2021

New Tech

  • Feature: Hydra integration — we’ve partnered with Subsquid to use their Hydra platform for data aggregation and querying, and have begun integration into the dashboards. This should result in more stable and accurate information display about the bridge across the app, as well as open possibilities for new and more detailed data to be shown. This will be gradually rolled out across different parts of the app in the coming weeks.
  • Testing: We’re in the process of incorporating the sc-consensus-manual-seal pallet in our staging chain to greatly speed up our testing pipeline. This will shorten the time-to-market of new features and will allow us to more quickly incorporate breaking changes from upstream dependencies. We’re currently blocked on this because of a possible bug in the pallet:
  • Fix: Subxt Upgrade. We’ve been assisting (,,, in upgrading subxt to support the new substrate metadata format and fixing various bugs. We required this upgrade because the older SubXt version was incompatible with the mandatory substrate upgrade on the parachain side. One benefit that this upgrade brings, is that the interface between the clients and the parachain is now more robust since it is automatically generated rather than manually (which was rather error-prone).
  • Feature: Kintsugi UI dark mode is coming.

About Interlay

We envision a future where blockchains seamlessly connect and interact: anyone can use any digital asset on any blockchain, trustless and without limitations. We work with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Cosmos, and others to expand interoperability, capital efficiency, and openness.

Our flagship product is interBTC — Bitcoin on any blockchain. A 1:1 Bitcoin-backed asset, fully collateralized, interoperable, and censorship-resistant, realizing the true free nature of BTC and decentralized finance. Kintsugi is our canary network on Kusama — the innovation hub of the Interlay network.

We are hiring!

Product Manager

Business Development Manager

Senior UI/UX Designer

For more details, check our website




alchemist in the multiverse ★ exploring the connectedness in all