Kintsugi Integrates Subscan Blockchain Explorer

Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2022

Kintsugi, the canary network of Interlay on Kusama, integrates Subscan, an aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer. Subscan supports Polkadot, Kusama, Acala, Karura, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Centrifuge, Bifrost and now Kintsugi, and other networks.

Subscan can be used to search, analyze and visualize various types of blockchain data. In addition, Subscan’s responsive design supports desktop and mobile users.

Now users of Kintsugi mainnet can access Subscan to:

  • View and verify Kintsugi blocks and transactions
  • Search for accounts and their transaction history on Kintsugi
  • View how many transfers happen on chain
  • Check Vault & staking rewards
  • Overview of the On-chain treasury

Following Kintsugi’s dedication to decentralization and transparency, we have listed all permanent (and temporary, e.g. crowdloan airdrop) Foundation Reserve accounts on our docs page (see here).

About Subscan is a high-precision multi-chain explorer built for substrate-based blockchains. Subscan supports data exploration and visualization of more than a dozen networks in the Polkadot ecosystem.

About Interlay

We envision a future where blockchains seamlessly connect and interact: anyone can use any digital asset on any blockchain, trustless and without limitations. We work with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Cosmos, and others to expand interoperability, capital efficiency, and openness.

Our flagship product is interBTC — Bitcoin on any blockchain. A 1:1 Bitcoin-backed asset, fully collateralized, interoperable, and censorship-resistant, realizing the true free nature of BTC and decentralized finance.

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alchemist in the multiverse ★ exploring the connectedness in all