Kintsugi Roadmap Update

Alexei Zamyatin


After a short Christmas break, the Interlay team is back with fresh energy to complete the launch of Kintsugi and kBTC.

What happened so far

When we released the Kintsugi Roadmap in October last year, we promised to make the process of Kintsugi becoming fully operational as transparent as possible, and keep you updated.

Here is a progress checklist with regard to the four main phases:

Crowdloan and auctions — done

Bootstrapping via Sudo — done

Govern via Community — in development

Community Expansion — in development

Where we are right now:

  • Kintsugi network is now fully decentralized, without any admin keys / sudo access.
  • The KINT airdop has been running for 1 month, with 92% of the 1 million crowdloan tokens claimed.
  • added Kintsugi (all tokens)
  • Polkadot.js account page now works to check balances
  • Multisignature pallet added
  • Math wallet integration

Not directly related to the launch roadmap, but also important: KINT has listed on, Kraken, and MEXC and we have partnered with GSR for liquidity and market-making services.

kBTC Launch Roadmap

Step 1: Kintsugi Dapp Release & Transfer UI — End of January!

We are releasing the first version of the Kintsugi Dapp (Kintsugi version of

  • The first available feature will be “Transfer” providing a simple user interface to send tokens on Kintsugi
Screenshot of the upcoming KINT transfer interface

Step 2: Governance and Stake-to-Vote

  • Since Kintsugi is 100% decentralized, KINT holders must vote to activate the kBTC bridge. Remember: to vote, KINT holders must stake their KINT tokens (
  • To this end, we are first releasing the KINT staking interface which will allow holders to stake their KINT, specifying how much and how long tokens should be locked — and visualizing the expected rewards.
Screenshot of the upcoming KINT staking interface
  • In parallel, we are working with OpenSquare to develop a governance discussion and voting portal (SubSquare, see Karura version as an example), where the Kintsugi community will be able to discuss and vote on proposals.
Kintsugi will use SubSquare for governance discussions and voting on proposals

Step 3: Staking Rewards Activation

  • Once the staking interface is live, the staking and Vault rewards can be activated via a governance proposal

Step 4: Final Tests

  • In parallel, Interlay is running final tests on Kintsugi, activating the oracle and starting first Vaults — and onboarding Vault operators

Step 5: Governance Proposal to Activate kBTC (towards end of February)

  • kBTC minting will be activated via a governance proposal
  • KSM collateral threshold will be increased to allow first Vaults to register and lock collateral
  • From this point on, kBTC is live

More Tech, Products, and Integrations

Other things that we are actively working on that will be released in the next weeks.

Polkadot.js “send” functionality will be enabled on the Accounts page. We are waiting for this PR to be merged by Parity.

Subscan explorer is nearly finished. The last tweaks are being made right now.

Subscan will soon add support for Kintsugi

Wallets: we are working with Nova wallet, Fearless wallet, and Talisman wallet on integrating Kintsugi and making quick progress.

XCM: We are in touch will all Kusama parachain teams from Batch 1 and 2, and have already initiated the technical integration & testing with Moonriver, Karura (public proposal already open), and Basilisk.

We are also finalizing the XCM cross-chain transfer interface that will allow you to send assets from and to Kintsugi, connecting our parachain to Kusama and (soon) other parachains.

Screenshot of the upcoming XCM cross-chain transfer interface

This is it for now. We will keep you posted on the latest Kintsugi news.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Official Kintsugi Roadmap!

About Interlay

We envision a future where blockchains seamlessly connect and interact: anyone can use any digital asset on any blockchain, trustless and without limitations. We work with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Cosmos, and others to expand interoperability, capital efficiency, and openness.

Our flagship product is interBTC — Bitcoin on any blockchain. A 1:1 Bitcoin-backed asset, fully collateralized, interoperable, and censorship-resistant, realizing the true free nature of BTC and decentralized finance.

Follow our Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to keep up to date with daily updates from the team.



Alexei Zamyatin

Co-Founder & CEO @ Interlay. PhD @ Imperial College London