Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2018

In the 1950’s the mathematician Alan Turing asked if machines can display human intelligence. Till today, researchers have been looking for ways to make machines as smart as humans which gave rise to the field of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is simply the ability for computers to make decisions like a human based on data. In essence, what makes artificial intelligence better is simply better data.

Since AI over time should be able to make decisions based on data it receives, how can we trust the integrity of AI? Over the years, AI has been cool in running our businesses and even some of our personal life thus being diligent but there are some people who believe that AI is still in its infancy and as it grows, it’s diligence and integrity is compromised.

Scientist like Stephen Hawking has raised growing concerns on the future of AI “ the emergence of artificial intelligence could be the worst event in the history of our civilization.” he says. He urged creators of AI to employ best practice and effective management. While other tech business men like Elon Musk also share his concern on the topic. He was once quoted to say that “I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this.”

Despite all this, some people don’t share in this fear and are rather optimistic about the growth of AI. “I have pretty strong opinions on this,” said Zuckerberg. “I’m really optimistic. I’m an optimistic person in general. I think you can build things and the world gets better. With AI especially, I’m really optimistic and I think that people who are naysayers and try to drum up these doomsday scenarios … I don’t understand it. It’s really negative and in some ways I actually think it’s pretty irresponsible.”

So let’s know your view on the topic and let’s know why you think that way about the integrity of AI.





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