Tips and Tricks: Why Profit As Business Priority Doesn’t Work

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3 min readJun 26, 2018

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, said, ‘A business that makes nothing but money but money is a poor business.’

Without the fear of sounding cliche, I’m going to voice out my opinon:

More often than not, I’ve seen people who want to start up a business with the sole purpose of becoming rich. I see them delve into things that they have no love for, just for the money. I see them provide disservice to their fellow human, just for the money. Most often than not, I see them end up not going very far in their business.

What would be the cause of this failure? Is it that they are not hardworking enough, or smart enough or just that luck isn’t on their side?

To me, I’d say it’s because their sole purpose was the money and also lack of love.

When you solely focus on the money, you hardly think of your customers as human beings. You lack the empathy needed to keep your customers happy and with that, they are unlikely to come back to you. You provide people with fake goods at the same price as the original and when they realize that, they stop coming to you. People patronize a business because the goods/service provided by the business is of value to them in some way or the other.

Moreover, in as much as you want to make money, (who doesn’t?), wouldn’t you be happier making the money while doing something you love or something that provides value to other people. Wouldn’t you be happy to see people’s face lighten up when they use your product?

‘It is well known that direct contact with other human beings where you can see your contribution create the change…is the most self-actualizing!’

To maintain your customers and their patronage, offer them genuinely useful products or services that make you and your customers happy. Do not sell a product/service that you would not be happy to use.

I know that some people seem to be making it by providing disservice to others, but try getting close to them, you’d see that, honestly, they are not happy neither are they at peace with themselves and that one day, their disservice comes back to haunt them.

Another important factor to the business race is love which begets motivation. It is the love for your business that motivates you to stay awake at night and look for more ways to improve your business. It is the love that motivates to continue working when all seems to be going South. It is the love that keeps you going when the money is not forthcoming. It is the love that keeps you from quitting.

Love what you do!

Without the love/motivation factor, you’d end up giving up at the slightest struggle.





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