Why a spacesuit?

Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018

Have you ever wondered why astronauts wear space suit to space mission? why the answer is quite obvious. To avoid oxygen leak from the tank. But there is more to it than just oxygen. Actually oxygen is the least of their worries.

There are a plethora of reasons that astronauts wear space suit. One of them include atmospheric pressure. On earth, there is a high atmospheric pressure approximately 760 mm of mercury for the standard atmospheric pressure. But the higher we go in altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure. The reason boils down to the equation that defines pressure. Since the equation is dependent on height, and atmospheric pressure can be seen as the number of air molecules above the surface, thus we can say there is reduced air molecules thus reduced atmospheric pressure.

source: Kestrel Instruments

How the hell does this concern astronauts and space suit? it goes over to the relationship between atmospheric pressure and boiling of liquid. Since boiling is simply when the vapor pressure equals the prevalent atmospheric pressure, that would mean at very high altitude liquid would boil at almost 0 degree Celsius. That would mean at outside space, without a means to control atmospheric pressure, the blood, urine, sweat, in fact every liquid in the body would begin to boil and the individual would melt before he could say Jack Robinson. But space suits have a way to maintain atmospheric pressure that is experienced on earth.

Another reason is communication. Now from our elementary science, we have realized that sound is a mechanical wave, meaning it needs a medium to move in and can’t move in a vacuum so if I was to shout at my friend at the other side of the moon, he wouldn’t hear me because sound simply can’t travel in empty space. But spacesuits have a radio that can accept radio waves (which of course can travel in empty space) and send the sound.

Other reasons include cold, oxygen, etc. And those spacesuits are rather expensive and can range from 40–50 thousand dollars. Have a nice day from Intern001




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