Capitol Hill Intern Update (March 15, 2021)

Capitol Hill Intern Update
5 min readMar 15, 2021


Aaaaaaaand… we’re back! It’s been a crazy start to the 117th Congress and quite frankly, we’re just getting it together. After the chaos of election, insurrection, and continued pandemic craziness, we’re back with some updates!

We missed you!



The House takes up several major pieces of legislation, including:

  • HJRes 17: Removing the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Three states (Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada) ratified last year, reaching the 38th-state threshold for a constitutional amendment, but a judge ruled that the deadline for ratification “expired long ago.”
  • H.R. 1620: the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, a landmark bill championed by President Joe Biden that expired in 2018. VAWA provides grants and support to various groups that work on issues relating to sexual assault, domestic violence and prevention
  • H.R. 6: American Dream and Promise Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for DACA holders and those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
  • H.R. 1603: Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which would provide a path to legal status and citizenship for undocumented farmworkers and family members and impose mandatory employment verification (“E-verify”) in agriculture
  • H.R. 1868: “To prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts, and for other purposes” — The bill extends a pause on 2% Medicare cuts and waives statutory pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budget enforcement measures triggered by the deficits in the American Rescue Plan.

The Senate will vote on several Biden nominees — including a vote today on former Rep. Deb Haaland [D, NM] for Interior. If confirmed, she would become the first cabinet secretary of Native American descent in US history.


(Full schedule) Select hearings:


The US hit a world record in daily COVID-19 vaccinations

Can a push for the revival of earmarks bridge the partisan divide?

Background checks legislation passed the House last week; does it have a chance in the Senate?

Of Interest

Think you know how it went down for Julius Caesar on the “Ides of March”? Think again

Got a Congressional internship interview coming up? Check out this video for must-know questions you should prepare for!

With many colleges cancelling spring break, it’s essential to give yourself other ways to rejuvenate.

In the ever-changing world of Covid-19, one thing remains constant: taxes! Don’t forget to file them by the deadline.

If you’re an avid TikTok user, check out payourinterns on TikTok!

Check out this report from the Congressional Management Foundation about the future of citizen engagement.

Jump on this:

College to Congress founder, Audrey Henson joins Rep. Jayapal [D, WA] to call for remote Congressional internships to continue after the pandemic

A corps of future public servants, just waiting to be treated right on the Hill

by: James Liska, The Fulcrum

“Like so many D.C. organizations, Congress cannot function effectively without interns. Answering the phones, running bills and other papers to the floor, gathering co-signers on letters, leading Capitol tours — the members and their committees rely on interns for mission-critical functions every day….

“Like so many D.C. organizations, Congress cannot function effectively without interns. Answering the phones, running bills and other papers to the floor, gathering co-signers on letters, leading Capitol tours — the members and their committees rely on interns for mission-critical functions every day.”

Are you a future staff assistant or LC?

Check out the “Best Practices Guide” from the Modernization Staff Association

Events This Week

March 15th:

March 16th:

March 17th:

March 18th:

March 19th:

+ Many more events at Hill Happenings


This newsletter is brought to you by these organizations. We know today’s interns are tomorrow’s Congressional staffers. And we want you to have a great experience — no matter where the internship happens!

Advocacy Blueprints

Congressional Management Foundation

College to Congress

Demand Progress

Democracy Fund

Modernization Staff Association

Pay Our Interns





Capitol Hill Intern Update

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