Capitol Hill Intern Update (November 1st, 2021)

Shruti Nayak
Capitol Hill Intern Update


Happy November AND election week, folks (for some)! Remember to check for local races in your area and go vote if you can (& don’t forget to check your registration status if you’re unsure)

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @internupdate and on Twitter @intern_update to keep up with news and events throughout the week.

Check out the archives and resources on Medium.

Got questions, suggestions, or ideas? We want to hear it! SUBSCRIBE HERE


The House will vote on a number of suspension bills in addition to H.R. 3992 — Protect Older Job Applicants Act of 2021.

The Senate will continue to work on presidential nominations and infrastructure negotiations.


Full Schedule | Select Hearings:

Cleaning Up Online Marketplaces: Protecting Against Stolen, Counterfeit, and Unsafe Goods“ in Senate Judiciary, Nov. 2 @ 10 AM, Dirksen 226

Training the Department of State’s Workforce for 21st Century Diplomacy“ in Senate Foreign Relations, Nov. 2 @ 2 PM, G50/VTC Dirksen

Cyber Threats, Consumer Data, and the Financial System“ in House Financial Services, Nov. 3 @ 10 AM, 2128 Rayburn

Article One: Strengthening Congressional Oversight Capacity“ in House Select Committee on Modernization, Nov. 4 @ 9 AM, Cannon 210

Next Steps: The Road Ahead for the COVID-19 Response” in Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Nov. 4 @ 10 AM,
G50 Dirksen


Last week’s expected infrastructure vote fell through; progressives remain reluctant to vote on the measure without greater provisions and legislative text for the bill

  • A remaining point of contention includes drug pricing, but Democrats are working on a compromise
  • Dems are “optimistic” about a vote this week, but still fear pushback in getting the package through the Senate

All eyes are on Virginia and New Jersey for tomorrow’s election, which some are billing as statewide tests of presidential popularity post 2020

The FDA has authorized COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5–11, making 28 million kids vaccine-eligible

Yesterday kicked off the two-week global climate summit, COP26, in Glasglow, Scotland; in the “Conference of the Parties,” world leaders and climate negotiators will address deadly issues raised by climate change

The House Committee on Modernization (ModCom) released its latest progress report last week and found that more than 60% of its recommendations have been acted upon


A woman is suing Kellogg for $5 million due to deception over its strawberry Pop-Tarts

Julie Green, an artist who painted the last meals of death row inmates on hundreds of plates over several decades, has passed away at age 60

Welcome to the metaverse: Facebook’s rebrand to “Meta” is drawing laughter and criticism

Know a friend who’s prepping for a Congressional internship interview right now? Send them this video!

This giant smiley face made of trees greets Oregon drivers every fall

Photo: The Oregonian

Apply for APAICS Spring Internship by Nov 19th!

Are you a student looking to gain first-hand knowledge of the policy-making process in Washington and work on Capitol Hill? Apply to the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Spring 22 Congressional Internship Program. Apply here.

Thinking About Life After the Hill? Check Out This Guide

If you (or someone you know) are thinking about life after Congress, check out this article on the nuts and bolts of how to leave smart, what to expect when you do, and four steps in your transition.

Black Women’s Congressional Alliance Book Club TONIGHT

Join BCWA TONIGHT at 8 PM to unwind and discuss this intense psychological thriller. Register here.

Join BWCA and SBLSC for Thursday’s Panel Discussion

Join the Black Women’s Congressional Alliance and Senate Black Legislative Staff for a discussion on breast cancer and the effect it has on the Black community. RSVP here.


Monday, November 1st

1 PM — 2 PM: Capitol Conversations: Native American Heritage Month

1:30 PM — 2:30 PM: The Early 202: Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.)

Tuesday, November 2nd

11 AM — 12 PM: The Political, Climate, and Economic Arguments for a Border Carbon Adjustment

12 PM — 1:30 PM: Digital Currency: Public or Private?

12 PM — 1 PM: Leveraging Underutilized 12 GHz Airwaves for 5G Competition and Digital Equity

2 PM — 3 PM: Law Enforcement Accountability: Has the tide finally shifted?

3 PM — 4 PM: From Striketober to Strikevember

Wednesday, November 3rd

12 PM — 1:15 PM: Webinar: Measuring and Curbing Medical Overuse: Moving From Volume to Value

12 PM — 1:15 PM: The Price of Good Health

12 PM — 1 PM: Future of Work: Collaboration & The New Job Market with Heather Boushey & Jared Spataro

2 PM — 3 PM: Stability and inclusivity of stablecoins: A conversation with Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire

2 PM — 3 PM: How Digitalization Creates Data Assets to Fuel Innovation & Transform Mission Operations

7 PM — 8 PM: Obesity in America : A Dire Health Equity Crisis

Thursday, November 4th

12 PM — 1 PM: Diabetes Technology: Disparities, Access & Equity

12 PM — 12:45 PM: One Year Out from the Midterms: Where Election Misinformation Stands

2 PM — 3 PM: How Are Federal Agencies Building and Using Evidence and Data to Drive an Equitable Recovery?

5:30 PM — 6:30 PM: The International Women’s Media Foundation’s 2021 Courage in Journalism Awards Hosted by Christiane Amanpour

Friday, November 5th

10 AM — 11 AM: Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change: Implications for Policy and Practice in LMICs

12 PM — 1 PM: State, society, and markets in North Korea

2 PM — 3 PM: What is a strategy of denial and does it make sense for America?

2:30 PM — 3:30 PM: Race in America: Giving Voice with Misty Copeland


This newsletter is brought to you by these organizations. We know today’s interns are tomorrow’s Congressional staffers. And we want you to have a great experience — no matter where the internship happens!

