Everybody Won’t See Your Vision

Internal Guidance ☯️
3 min readJan 10, 2024

We all have dreams, goals, and aspirations that we strive to accomplish in our lives and they’re very personable to who we are to the core. We may want to quit our jobs to pursue our business full-time, we may want to start a podcast, we may want to open up a restaurant etc etc. These are things that we may have a certain passion for and these are things that may move us in a direction we seek as elevation. Now, when we want to dive into these new things we may catch ourselves filled with all types of emotions. We may feel excited, nervous, anxious all of the above and we will at times seek out and vent to others around us. We might ask our friends, spouse, or parents “Do you see me doing this” or “Would this be the right move for me?” Or you may just be explaining your plan/vision in hopes to get some type of feedback. Whenever we ask these questions we may receive answers that we’re not so excited about. This is where we mess up and I will elaborate why specifically.

Forcing Others To See Your Vision Will Plague Your Urgency For Action

Whenever we have a big idea or a massive plan we often feel excited and we want to share these things with the people that we love. Logically, in your mind, you’d think that if you share these things with the people that you love they would automatically support you and they’d give you that boost of motivation that you need to propel you into taking action. WRONG. It’d be better if you keep these things to yourself because if the people you love give an alternative opinion about what you want to accomplish it can become very discouraging and it can stunt your potential of taking action.

It’s YOUR vision for a reason

The reason people can’t see your vision is simply because it’s YOUR vision. The only person that knows your potential on a day-in and day-out basis is you. When you came up with this plan whatever it may be you were the one that curated it in your mind. You were the person who came up with what you wanted and we live in a world where everybody thinks differently. You may have others who are on board with what you see but they still won’t see it the way you see it. With that in mind, you must stay focused on your vision and come up with a game plan to execute what you want. For others to fully believe you must show the proof in the pudding. People will start to believe when progress is vividly being made and at that point you won’t care because these individuals didn’t believe from the start.

Go Get It

Regardless of whether others see your vision or not you have to be the one to make it happen. Instead of relying on the motivation of others you need to be self-driven and have that self reliance to go get what it is you want. That means every single day you have to get after it and give it 110%. There will be adversity along the journey which is inevitable but these are the things that make conquering your vision even more bittersweet. Block out all distractions whether that be negative friends, bad habits, bad mindsets etc, etc. Learn how to reprogram your mind in a way where you become relentless until you make your dreams come true.

Thank You For Reading 🤞🏾👁️

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Internal Guidance ☯️

Inspiring Others To Be Great One Post At A time. 📌 Dare To Be Different 💡 Email:marsean.s@yahoo.com Instagram:@jakariblogs