Take On Every Oppurtunity

Internal Guidance ☯️
3 min readJan 23, 2024

Hesitancy is the thing that kills all elevation in your life. The thing about this generation we live in today is everybody wants to reach the top of the mountain by tomorrow. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality of life. We all have to work to get to where we want to go in life even if you inherit successes, you still have to put in work to maintain those successes. That’s why it’s very important to take on every opportunity because you never know if the opportunity you passed up on was your stepping stone to get to your goal, dream, or aspiration.

“Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day”

Do you think big skyscrapers and buildings were built in just a day? Of course not. That’s the mindset you have to have when it comes to going after your dreams. IT’S GOING TO TAKE TIME. Construction workers didn’t start on a building and stop halfway through and give up on the building. They started from scratch and built their way up till they got the final product. If your dream is to become a CEO of a company you have to start from square one and move your way up to gain that position of power. This means no matter how long it takes you have to be committed to that goal and take on every opportunity that comes your way even if that means mopping the floors of the company you want to own one day. It’s not about the position you’re in now, it’s more about the opportunities you take and the consistency to get to where you’re trying to go. If you change your mindset to this pattern of thinking you will be able to appreciate the journey and it will be more enjoyable.

Be Open Minded

To become more receptive to taking on opportunities that align with what you want you have to be open-minded. You have to be willing to see the bigger picture and understand that what you’re doing now is only cultivating what you want for your future. For example, personally, my dream is to become an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) and I was presented with the opportunity to work as an RBT (Registered Behavioral Technician) for kids with autism. This job position is my first entry-level job in my profession and it will look great on my résumé for what I’m trying to pursue in the future. I’ve never had any experience working with kids a day in my life and I never became interested in being a counselor for kids at all. In this instance, I had to be open-minded and think bigger picture. This is an opportunity that’s a stepping stone for me to get to where I’m trying to go. I must take this and learn from it because the universe may have put this in front of me to learn from it and open up a different path/avenue for me. With that being said I took the job and it has been the best experience I could’ve ever imagined.

Thank You For Reading. 🤞🏾👁️

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Internal Guidance ☯️

Inspiring Others To Be Great One Post At A time. 📌 Dare To Be Different 💡 Email:marsean.s@yahoo.com Instagram:@jakariblogs