Day 6 : Thursday 6 December

On Thursday we had almost the whole day to focus on our story. Firstly, we had the group editorial meeting, where we exchange with our mentors valuable insights on how to align all components of our story and on how to further boost our story’s coherence, conciseness and consistency. Then, we benefit from the rest of the day so as to apply all guidance of our instructors per each team.

It was another productive and creative day, in which we completed most of the project. All of the teams were working with passion and commitment, proposing ideas, which would highlight the story. Is disinformation threatening democracy? That was the dominant question in everybody’s mind in the newsroom, and the question that we should also answer in the presentation of Friday, at CSIS. What is more, it was really exciting to see every member of the team staying at the office and working hard for almost two more hours, after the end of the daily schedule. Committing to going the extra mile is not only satisfying, but also an inside motivation for the team effort!

