Whitepaper Format: HKBCS Model


When writing a whitepaper, there is no right way to do it, although there are general guidelines. This is a sample whitepaper format from the Hong Kong Blockchain Society and it has the following sections:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Problem Area
  3. Solution Space
  4. Competitor
  5. Market
  6. Product
  7. Stakeholders
  8. Technology
  9. Operations
  10. Security
  11. Governance
  12. Compliance Issues
  13. Legal Issues
  14. Distribution
  15. Scaling
  16. Revenue Model
  17. Financial Projection
  18. Team

Why this order? Does it matter?

What matters is that the narrative flows like a “story” so feel free to add or remove and reorder as you see fit to present your “story”

What if I remove a section?

Some stories are better told with different [section] titles or sections altogether! White papers are evaluated based on the narrative and supporting material. Do not force your story into this example outline if it doesn’t fit!

1. Executive Summary

TL;DR: This is the most important section, because:

  • It makes the first impression (convince reader to keep going)
  • It will be re-read many times over
  • It may even be the only thing that gets read.


  • Summarize key points
  • i.e. stuff on this checklist
  • Within one page
  • Clear and concise language

2. Problem Area

What is the opportunity? Is it worth capturing, or let it slip?

  • Why it is a problem
  • How long it has been a problem
  • Why it hasn’t been solved yet
  • Why here?
  • Why now?


  • Tell a story, maybe examples
  • Clear and concise language
  • May double over with Market if it is a huge market or growing market that is part of the problem

3. Solution Space

What is the value proposition? Why blockchain?

  • How it solves the problem
  • How this time it’s different than other solutions
  • Why here?
  • Why now?


  • Tell a story, maybe examples
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Product or Tech

4. Competitor

What else is out there? What are alternatives?

  • Direct competitors
  • Indirect i.e. another way
  • If you have no competitors, you’re not looking hard enough
  • If you looked hard, and still cannot find, it’s because you haven’t noticed the indirect competitors


  • Tell a story, maybe examples
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Product or Market

5. Market

How big is the opportunity Why you wanna capture it

  • How big?
  • How special?
  • Why here?
  • Why now?


  • Tell a story, maybe examples
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Product or Competitors

6. Product

What are you building? How do you use blockchain

  • How it is designed
  • How to develop
  • Prototype info
  • Initial users
  • Roadmap


  • Tell a story
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Tech or Competitors or Market, Governance, Legal, Compliance… Product is the centerpiece of your project!

7. Stakeholders

Who benefit from this? Such as but not limited to

  • Primary users
  • Related users or roles
  • Network nodes
  • Regulators


  • Tell a story, maybe examples
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Operations, Security, Governance, Legal & Compliance, etc…

8. Technology

Why did you build it like this? This is where you justify your technical design decisions

  • Why this platform
  • Why these features
  • Why not those features
  • Why are weaknesses negligible
  • Other technology attributes


  • Tell a story, preferable with many diagrams and charts and graphs
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead to Product and Operations and Security and Governance…

9. Operations

How does the project run? The details of all the features and components

  • Who will do what
  • Why like this
  • How it will work


  • Tell a story, maybe scenarios
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Product or Tech or Stakeholders or Security or Governance or Legal & Compliance

10. Security

What keeps the system safe? The safeguards involved

  • Cryptography
  • Protocols
  • Governance
  • Other measures


  • Tell a story, maybe scenarios
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into everything..!

11. Governance

How will the system be governed? Details about governance

  • Who are the parties involved
  • What are their roles
  • When do they do what
  • Where do they do what
  • Why they are involved
  • How the roles will be done


  • Tell a story, maybe scenarios
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Product, Tech, Operations, Security, Legal and Compliance

12. Compliance Issues

How will you satisfy regulators, especially

  • Existing regulations
  • Possible changes
  • G D P R


  • Tell a story, maybe scenarios
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into …everything

13. Legal Issues

Not breaking any laws… Clarify the legality of the project

  • What jurisdictions
  • What risks
  • Comparable cases


  • Tell a story, maybe scenarios
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into everything!

14. Distribution

How will the project grow? This is like a typical business or startup

  • Vision Plan
  • Distribution Plan
  • Budget Projection


  • Tell a story, how to get first sales
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Scaling, Revenue Model, and Financials… this is now Business Plan stuff!

15. Scaling

How will the project continue growing? All aspects of rapid growth issues:

  • Business challenges
  • Technical challenges
  • Legal or compliance risk


  • Tell a story, future scenarios
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into distribution, revenue, financials, etc

16. Revenue Model

How the project will capture value? Usually that value is money, but can be different KPIs and ROI if social enterprise, etc:

  • Price points
  • Target segments
  • Estimated markets
  • Justifications


  • Tell a story, maybe examples
  • Clear and concise language
  • May lead into Product or Market or Competitors, and definitely Distribution, Scaling, and Financials

17. Financial Projection

What does the future look like? Show that the project can survive:

  • Pro Forma
  • Assumptions
  • Justifications


  • Charts and graphs tell the story but keep it simple, and leave complex stuff out, or in the Appendices
  • May lead back into other sections that contributed to this section

18. Team

Who is behind this project? How will this project be executed?

  • Who are you?
  • What are your roles?
  • Why you?
  • Who are your advisors?
  • Why them?
  • How did you meet?
  • How long have you worked together and on what?


  • Tell a story, a life story
  • Clear and concise language
  • Non-Americans tend to be shy about their achievements… DON’T BE!

The International Blockchain Olympiad (IBCOL) is a multidisciplinary design and building competition. If you are a student in good standing or have graduated within 2 years, IBCOL 2019 invites you to propose solutions to real-world challenges using decentralised applications. For further details and to register, please visit ibcol.org or reach out to our Student Relations Team.



IBCOL Student Relations
International Blockchain Olympiad

The Student Relations Team of the International Blockchain Olympiad (ibcol.org) assists students who are interested in participating in the IBCOL.