Our First Article: Let’s Start With The “isms”

Some of the topics we will broach in the coming months (and years)!


Pantheism and panentheism stress the all-embracing inclusiveness of God as compared with his separateness as emphasized in many versions of theism. Pantheism stresses the identity between God and the world, while panentheism holds that the world is included in God but that God is more than the world. Dualism conceives God as separated from the world and mind from body.

Pantheism is typically monistic, finding in the world’s unity a sense of the divine. Classical theism is dualistic in conceiving God as separated from the world and mind from body.

Panentheism is typically monistic in holding to the unity of God and the world, dualistic in urging the separateness of God’s essence from the world, and pluralistic in taking seriously the multiplicity of beings and events making up the world.

Hylozoistic pantheism held that divine is one of elements in world whose function is to animate other elements that constitute it. Pan-deism claims to answer primary objections to deism (why would God create and then not interact with universe?) and to pantheism (how did the universe originate and what is its purpose?).

This was merely to dip our toes in the water and throw some terminology into the “Medium Cosmos” — we will be writing significant articles on all of the above concepts and theologies, and more!

Stay tuned!




The Panentheist
International Church of Universal Love and Compassion

Respectful and open dialogue, exploration, and debate surrounding philosophical and theological ideas of an ontological and theistic nature